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October 8, 2014

You're Only Lonely - J.D. Souther

A "bump" from 10/2008

I wish they had a better version; there was one of Souther singing this in concert, but embedding was disabled.

One of my favorite songs of all time. It's very moving.


I was listening to online classic rock radio last night and heard a song by a group called Buckingham Nicks; the station showed the album cover the song was from and it was unmistakably Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham, but I didn't remember the group. So, I read a little about them and since a friend of mine and I were discussing music the other day in another post and she mentioned Nicks, I did some more reading about her and Buckingham's breakup while with Fleetwood Mac. I've always liked her, thought her talented and beautiful, but I did not know the fairly extensive list of rock stars she dated after splitting with Buckingham.

One of the men she dated was Souther and I got to thinking about this song and came in to see if I had posted it before and saw I had. (six years ago, so no wonder I didn't remember- I have trouble these days remembering the last time I ate.) The YouTube account that had posted it had been suspended and the song deleted, so I found this version and decided to "bump" the old post.

I also went on to read more about Souther and this song and was amazed at the list of people who contributed to it .


foremost [fawr-mohst, -muh st, fohr-]

adjective, adverb
1. first in place, order, rank, etc.

Not a new word to me but I always thought it odd that the phrase "first and foremost" is often used.  It just seems redundant...and I'm not the only one who thinks so: Common Redundancies (F-O). No, I'm not the only one. (see what I did there? did ya?)

I do know this blog isn't foremost in any category, not even for Cast Away Crossroads.

(but, like Avis, we're #2!.  Some people think this blog is #2 -ahem-)

Dear Kitten: Regarding The Dog

Great advert.

October 7, 2014


azoth [az-oth] noun

1. Mercury, regarded by alchemists as the assumed first principle of all metals.
2. the universal remedy of Paracelsus.

Besides often learning a word, I sometimes learn about people, such as Paracelsus.

My dad used to bring me the Mercury when he'd change out a Mercury switch in one of his meter runs, such as is pictured on this page. (Mercury or "tilt" switches were also used in the lids of washing machines to stop the machine when the cover was lifted.) He showed me how it would polish up coins where they'd shine like they were new and it was fun to put it on a plate and watch it separate and then pool back together. Of course, we now know it's toxic and dangerous to handle and can cause all sorts of health problems. I seriously doubt my skin absorbed much of it, though.

I now wish I had saved it all in a bottle instead of playing with and then spilling it. The price is fairly low right now due to large stockpiles, but it used to fairly expensive, depending upon what type it was. (I'd give a price, but a quick search only turned up several year old prices and most metals trading websites require a subscription)

October 6, 2014

A Lot of Rain, No Singin'

I think most classic movie lovers have seen the iconic scene from Singin' in the Rain but until now, only the people involved with the making of the film had seen it before the music was added. 

If I had seen this in real life, I'd be calling for the white-coated men to bring a straitjacket.

October 5, 2014

Big Mouth

A hippo has the largest mouth of all land animals.