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October 25, 2014


cygnet\ SIG-nit \ noun

1. a young swan

I knew this word, even before I started dreaming about winning the lottery. I recently found a nice live water "ranch" that I'd like to buy if I ever did hit the lottery, Swann Ranch near Winnsboro in N. Texas. (It's "only" $2.9 million) If I'm ever lucky enough to be able to buy a place with a small lake or pond, I'd want to buy some ducks and a few geese and since the entrance gates have black swans fabricated out of metal on them, I'd want to get swans to match. Hey, I'd be rich, so....

I'd have to be rich, not only to buy the multi-million dollar ranch and homes, but to buy a breeding pair of Australian Black Swans - $2,250 for the pair.

October 24, 2014

The Bandrum: A New Folk Instrument


exiguous \ ig-ZIG-yoo-uhs, ik-SIG- \ adjective

1. scanty; meager; small; slender: exiguous income .

Exiguous could certainly describe the number of visitors to this pathetic excuse for a blog as well as the sum of its quality content. It could apply to many things in my life, esp. the example of income, my hair, my intellect, my talents, my accomplishments and my ambition. It couldn't be used to define my large volume of character faults, though.

October 23, 2014

A Lot of Naked People

It's estimated that 80% of the images on the 'net are porn.

I personally estimate that most of the rest are of cats.

October 22, 2014


pavonine \ PAV-uh-nahyn, -nin \ adjective

1. of or like a peacock.
2. resembling the feathers of a peacock, as in coloring.

Nice descriptive word, but something I think you'd only find in flowery prose: "The young lovers watched the golden orb of the sun sink below the far away darkening horizon, framed by the pavonine rainbow."

October 21, 2014

Giveaway of the Day

I love this site and have subscribed to it in my reader for several years.  Not all the daily offerings are something I'd use or want to try, but I have gotten some good free software from there.

I would caution anyone from going strictly by the ratings;  the site has had quite a few media converters and people really get their panties in a wad over that.  Instead, read the reviews because those are generally from the more knowledgeable users and there's usually several people who post free and sometimes better alternatives.

They also have a widget you can embed in your blog or website:

The software is only available for one day, though.  I wanted to try this program and made a mental reminder to download it later but fell asleep and when I woke up I hurried to the site and saw this message:

There's also a "sister" site, Game Giveaway of the Day but it's now limited to free games only on the weekends.

Giveaway of the Day