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August 24, 2008

Brainy Quote

Some great sticky content for websites or blogs from Brainy Quote. Use their supplied javascript code (and you can use SPAN or FONT tags to match your site) or RSS feeds.

August 23, 2008

A Weekend in With Paris

I get loads of spam in my Gmail inbox; most of it is my own fault, for posting the addy as my public contact info.

Today, out of 67 spam articles (and I had emptied it only a few hours ago), I had three different mails with Paris Hilton in the subject line.

This one is sacrilegious. (but funny)

You'll probably have to click the following graphic to view clearly. I'll save you the trouble: "Paris Hilton Declared one of the Seven Most Unique Wonders of the World!"

Then there was this one:

I can think of several jokes combining the three subject lines, but they'd be as tasteless as were these mails.

YOU can have at it, though.

Dilbert Feed

Hobson's Choice

From the Word of the Day feed (in the right-hand column)

Hobson's choice \HOB-suhnz-CHOIS\, noun:A choice without an alternative; the thing offered or nothing.

The origin of the term Hobson's choice is said to be in the name of one Thomas Hobson (ca. 1544-1631), at Cambridge, England, who kept a livery stable and required every customer to take either the horse nearest the stable door or none at all.

Hobson's Choice: That describes the upcoming presidential election and our choice of candidates.

I'm writing in "a bucket of warm spit".

En Garde!

You Are Fencing

You're competitive but not brutally so. You compete to make yourself better.

You find having an opponent to be challenging and rewarding.

You are fierce when you're in a competition, but you don't wish your rivals any real harm.

Just in time for the end of the Olympics.

I got the gold in the Procrastination Decathalon.

Shaddup You Face - Joe Dolce

Can't remember where I saw the results, but this was voted one of the most annoying songs...ever.