Welcome to ToTG!

March 29, 2009

Too Bad

It's staying white

Your Blog Should Be Yellow

You're a cheerful, upbeat blogger who tends to make everyone laugh.

You are a great storyteller, and the first to post the latest funny link.

You're also friendly and welcoming to everyone who comments on your blog.

A few weeks ago I read an article that claimed that blogs should have black backgrounds instead of white because white blogs use more electricity.

In the comments section, someone had said that besides the "green" savings, it was harder for them to read a white background blog. (maybe that's why I don't get many readers) I disagree, at least in my own case; it's always been easier for me to read dark text on a light bg.

I think that reading too MANY blogs, no matter what color they are, is hard on the eyes. I've been culling my own blog list reading down quite a bit here lately and have some more to do.

Other than the color suggestion, I would like to think the rest of the quiz results are spot on. It's what I strive for, anyway. I never wanted to do much in the way of political posting; I've had my fill of that since I first got online, just before the 2000 elections. Nearly ten years of tilting at windmills has jaded me and made me face the fact that even with our votes, we do not control who gets elected. My belief in God has led me to believe that it's out of our hands, that He is the one who controls our national destiny. I don't understand why He is letting these things happen, but I've made up my mind to not worry about it, as He has promised to reveal all mysteries to us someday.

Political posts in here are few and far between and my long-time readers know I am an equal opportunity "josher", namely because I've not yet seen a politician who doesn't deserve some ridicule. In this last election, other than Ron Paul, there wasn't a single candidate of either party who was worthy of the presidency and the good doctor certainly had his own faults. I certainly didn't agree with all of his positions.

Democrat/Republican, there's not a nickle's worth of difference between them. They're only interested in being elected in order to maintain their power and prestige. If they're honest when they get elected, they soon become corrupted, it's the nature of the beast. The best and most honest president we ever had was also the first and he warned us about the two-party system.

Enough political BS:

This blog is about ME and MY likes and dislikes. It's "ego-centric", in other words. I don't see anything wrong with that. The only people I particularly want to stop by are my close friends (both "real" and "online") and family. All I want to do is post photos, talk about cats and other varmits, comment on websites I've visited and things I thought were cool, put in links to free stuff, share the music I like, make light of the Panhandle weather... and the only griping I care to do these days is about the Cowboys.

Oh yeah, and poke some fun at spammers.

The things I post have only one rule of thumb to get published:

Would I be...would I have been...ashamed to let my momma see it?

That's the only Code of Conduct I care about.

Coffee Machine

From the email archives:

Coffee Machine




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From my friend Sharon in Miami