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May 14, 2009

Amie - Pure Prairie League


unctuous \UNGK-choo-us\ , adjective:
1. Of the nature or quality of an unguent or ointment; fatty; oily; greasy.
2. Having a smooth, greasy feel, as certain minerals.
3. Insincerely or excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech; marked by a false or smug earnestness or agreeableness

Wow, a word that describes both politicians AND televangelists.

Granny Gatling

Obama Countdown

On the other hand, he *might* get re-elected.

In that case, they'll have to redo their countdown.

OR... you'd best ace this quiz:

You Got 8/10 Questions Right

You are a probably a news junkie, Obama fan, or both.

You know a lot about Barack Obama - including his politics, history, and family.

It's likely you're a very knowledgeable person and quite well read.

You can't stand ignorant people, no matter what their political persuasion is.

I hope I did well enough to keep me out of the FEMA concentration camps.

My Conservative Identity

How to Win a Fight With a Liberal is the ultimate survival guide for political arguments

My Conservative Identity:

You are an Anti-government Gunslinger, also known as a libertarian conservative. You believe in smaller government, states’ rights, gun rights, and that, as Reagan once said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”

Take the quiz at www.FightLiberals.com