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September 25, 2009


cavort \kuh-VORT\ , intransitive verb:
1. To bound or prance about.
2. To have lively or boisterous fun; to behave in a high-spirited, festive manner.

I've cavorted before.

I just didn't call it that.

If the Beatles Were Irish

Loopa Bowl

From the website:

Aren't you tired of your little children spilling their cereal all over the place? Short of gluing the box to their face, what's a loving parent to do? The answer is in the stars, dear friend, in the stars. Taking an inspiration from Saturn and mixing it up with the science of a gyroscope, two geeky parents created the Loopa Bowl!

The descriptions says it's for ages 6 months and up, and that'd include me. I want one of these for Christmas, would save a lot of spills. (either that, or I need a dog to lap up those same spills)

September 24, 2009


assiduous \uh-SIJ-oo-uhs\ , adjective:
1. Constant in application or attention; devoted; attentive.
2. Performed with constant diligence or attention; unremitting; persistent; as, "assiduous labor."

I'm not very assiduous with this blog, am I?

ROFL Copter


Just thought this animation was funny, that's all.

Rock On!

You Are Classic Rock

You are a pretty average American guy or gal, even if you don't live in the US.

You like music that's basic, honest, and real. The best songs don't have a lot to them.

You consider yourself to be pretty normal. You work for a living and put your pants on one leg at a time.

You love songs that stand the test of time. You don't fall victim to musical trends.

Right or Left?

No, not politics, but why do certain countries drive on the side they do?

Find out why at How Do Countries Choose Which Side They Drive On?

Several times when my British friend elle came over to see me and we'd decide to go somewhere, she would go to the car and stand by the driver's side. I'd go to her with the keys, unlock the door and then hand them to her. "Want me to unlock your side?" she'd ask, probably wondering why I couldn't do it myself.

"Nope." I'd tell her. "Just thought you were wantin' to drive."