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January 10, 2010

Google Spin

Check it out: Google Spin


onus \OH-nuhs\ , noun;
1. A burden; an obligation; a disagreeable necessity.
2. a: A stigma. b: Blame.
3. The burden of proof.

I've been an onus before; I've even had the onus put upon me. It's an unbearable burden, lemme tell ya, so I've decided to become just the opposite, an "offus".

Or maybe that's just "doofus."

January 9, 2010



nebbish \NEB-ish\ , noun;
1. A weak-willed, timid, or ineffectual person.

I've been the definition of "nebbish", I suppose, but usually not all three at the same time.

Come And Get It - Badfinger

Art Gallery Nudes

A couple goes to an art gallery. They find a picture of a naked women with only her privates covered with leaves. The wife doesn't like it and moves on but the husband keeps looking.

The wife asks, "What are you waiting for?"

The husband replies, "Autumn."

From Joke of the Day

January 8, 2010

Nic Cage as Everyone

Another of my favorite sites I subscribe to in my Google Reader.

Nic Cage as Everyone
has a simple but brilliant premise, namely to put Cage's face on everyone's body. Granted, they haven't done everyone on Earth as of this writing, but most of the Photoshopped creations done so far are hilarious.

Here are a few of my recent favs:

Cage as Michael Jackson

as George Washington

With a nod to Cast Away:

Nic Cage as Everyone

I had been meaning to post about this blog for a while, but always managed to forget. My memory was jogged today when I noticed Cage was the Caricature of the Day .