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February 2, 2010

February 1, 2010


Usually, I post the most interesting words from our Dictionary.com Word of the Day feed, but "denouement" is not from today's word; instead it comes from a post I read earlier this morning in a Dallas Cowboys forum. The subject was last night's Pro Bowl, and one poster had this to say:

"....if the Super Bowl is the climax I always thought the Pro Bowl made a good denouement."

I will admit to being ignorant of the word, but in the context of the sentence, I thought I understood the meaning. Still, I went and looked it up:

denouement –noun [dey-noo-mahn]

1. the final resolution of the intricacies of a plot, as of a drama or novel.
2. the place in the plot at which this occurs.
3. the outcome or resolution of a doubtful series of occurrences.

In literature, denouement is the final action that completes the unraveling of the plot in a play, especially in a tragedy. Catastrophe is a synonym of denouement. The term is sometimes applied to a similar action in a novel or story.

It wasn't so much the word I found unique to my reading experience; no, it was that someone used "denouement" in a sports forum.

EDIT: I was going to make a reference to Dennis Miller when he was on Monday Night Football, but, as it is with any joke (and all MY jokes), it's not funny if you have to explain it... sort of like not knowing a word is humorous until you know the meaning.

The Top 14 Dennis Miller Monday Night Football Quotes

The Top 14 Dennis Miller Monday Night Football Quotes (Part II)

And I'm Due For Overhaul

You Are Totally Whimsical

If you were a car, you'd be a sweet ride. You like to cruise through life in style.

When it comes to the road of life, you slow down and enjoy the scenery. You don't want anything to pass you by.

You love to drive, as long as you aren't in a hurry to go anywhere. You always prefer to take the more interesting route.

You never like it when driving is a chore. Driving should be fun, not stressful!

Most of these quizzes are crapola, but this one hits pretty close to home. I was torn between several cars, even selected them to see what the results were, but what this one says is the most like me.

I wouldn't buy a red convertible, though. I think I'd want it in silver, maybe white, even yellow.


mondegreen \MON-di-green\ , noun;
1. A word or phrase resulting from a misinterpretation of a word or phrase that has been heard.

My childhood buddy Joe Bill, RIP, had one he'd use now 'n then. I remember being with him standing in the ticket line behind some cute girls at the movies. It was cold and blustery outside and one of the girls turned to JB and said "Brrr!" Joe Bill, not missing a beat, said:

"Tickle your ass with a feather?"

The girl did a double-take and asked "What!!??!!"

With a straight face, Joe Bill replied:

"Particularly nasty weather!"

There are all sorts of mondegreens, especially in song lyrics, one of the most famous being "Kiss this guy.." (Hendrix's "kiss the sky") When I was a kid, I thought the Christmas carol was saying "Good King Wince's car backed out, on a piece of steel."