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May 27, 2010

This'll Be a Good Buddy Day

From Texas on the Potomac

On this date in 1957, Buddy Holly, the first rocker to actually go on stage wearing horn-rimmed spectacles, and his band, The Crickets, released their first single, That'll Be the Day on Brunswick Records, a recording label specializing in jazz and rhythm and blues sounds.

That'll Be The Day - Buddy Holly And The Crickets (Ed Sullivan Show '57)

Wiki entry: Buddy Holly

May 26, 2010

May 25, 2010


shivaree\SHIV-uh-ree\ ,
1. A mock serenade with kettles, pans, horns, and other noisemakers given for a newly married couple.
2. An elaborate, noisy celebration.
1. To serenade with a shivaree.

Pretty cool word and I knew it, probably from some old Waltons episode, or maybe Andy Griffith.

(And, after I wrote that last bit, I went to Wiki and saw it was indeed in an early episode of The Waltons and the term was also used in the musical Oklahoma.

I could insert a YT vid of The Waltons here, but I think instead I'll post this one

Goodnight Moon - Shivaree

Sybil Does Career Day

Sybil from 105.3 The Fan in Dallas talks about career day

She's adorable, that's the only reason I posted it.

May 24, 2010

Sudden Weather

According to the radar, this line of storms that just popped up is heading nearly due north, which would put it to the west of me (white dot) Most disturbing is the pink part of the storm near the very end of it with what might be a hook from rotation.

I can hear the thunder and feel the gusts of wind which are coming from the front. If the storm decides to head just a little bit to the east, it might mean some severe weather for my vicinity.

It's getting closer and I may very well shut down this computer, even unplug the TV. Sometimes these storms are not only dangerous, but a major PITA.

Before I close, I want to add that I can feel the pressure as it increased, and now it's fallen a substantial amt. (not sure where the barometer is) It's gotten cooler and is very dark outside and very still, much diff. than earlier. More thunder rolls across the sky...


adumbrate \a-DUHM-breyt\ , verb;
1. To foreshadow; prefigure.
2. To produce a faint image or resemblance of; to outline or sketch.
3. To darken or conceal partially; overshadow.

I remember this word from the uproar over O.J.‘s Darkened Mug Shot and how it left Time magazine with egg on its face.