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June 21, 2010


heliolatry \hee-lee-OL-uh-tree\ , noun;
1. Worship of the sun.

I bet there are millions of people who now regret their helioatry from years past.

Well, maybe there's a few that don't....

George Hamilton tan

Watch this Sun-Damaged Skin Pictures Slideshow on the effects of sun damage to your skin such as wrinkles, moles, melanoma (skin cancer) and more.

Head & Heart

From our BrainyQuote feed in the right-hand column

A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.

xxxxx- Nelson Mandela

Image courtesy of Caricature Zone


couvade \koo-VAHD\ , noun;
1. A practice in certain cultures in which the husband of a woman in labor takes to his bed as though he were bearing the child.

I can't recall ever seeing this word before now, but I doubt I'll ever do it because I've already given birth to a kidney stone.

Via "C-section", too. That was bad enough, but I don't think I'd have liked the "natural birth."

June 20, 2010

How many Justin Biebers?

Could YOU take on in a fight?

How many Justin Biebers could you take in a fight?

Created by Oatmeal

I would have done better if I'd had more fights in my life as well as had martial arts training. Still, 28 isn't bad. I bet my big sister could take on 35, maybe 40 Biebers before she went down.

NOTE: Sometimes with quizzes I will post a related video for comedic value.

Not in this case.

Hot Dog!

I dunno 'bout the rest of the results, but I do love me my chili dogs, plenty of onions, please.

You Are a Chili Dog

You are wild and a little unpredictable. You have a zany side to you.

It would be an understatement to say you live on the edge. You pretty much ignore the edge!

You have a spicy approach to life, and it's only getting hotter. There is nothing dull about you.

You push yourself on a regular basis. You know what you are capable of, and you refuse to wimp out.