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September 16, 2010

Famous Last Words

From the email archives:

Famous Last Words

"It's a dud! It's a dud! It's a du...".

"Don't touch the red button!"

"Gee, that's a cute tattoo."

It's fireproof.

"What does this button do?"

"So, you're a cannibal."

"Are you sure the power is off?"

"Pull the pin and count to what?"

"Don’t worry, it has airbags."

"Hey, what’s that buzzing noise?"

"Don’t worry, it's not that deep."

"One time at band camp...."

"No, he doesn’t bite."

"Hey, look! A light at the end of the tunnel!"

"I can pass this guy."

"My brakes are fine."

"Nice doggy."

"I think it's trying to communicate..."

"Homicidal Tendencies"?

"Nah, I don't think we need to go to the hospital."

September 14, 2010


ambrosial\ am-BROH-zhuhl \ , adjective;
1. Exceptionally pleasing to taste or smell; especially delicious or fragrant.
2. Worthy of the gods; divine.

I can think of several things ambrosial; my friend Barb's fudge, my grandmother's fried chicken and my momma's roast beef, but there is one memory of ambrosia that really stands out: once, after a hot, hard dusty day moving the rig, my crew and I walked over to a nearby windmill and had some of the coldest, cleanest water I've ever consumed.

Funny how a simple drink of water could bring so much pleasure.

September 13, 2010

And Sharp as a Cactus!

You Are Witty

You are a hilarious and expressive person. You love to entertain a crowd.

You see humor in everything, and you enjoy making light of situations.

Your friends depend on you for comic relief, and they usually don't even mind when it's at their expense.

You know that the key to being funny is pushing the envelope. And you are always willing to take a risk.

September 12, 2010


subaudition\suhb-aw-DISH-uhn \ , noun;
1. An act or instance of understanding or mentally supplying something not expressed.

Wasn't familiar with this word, but sure familiar with the definition, having been married.