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October 9, 2010

This Possum's Not Playing

One down, dunno how many more to go.

My faithful readers have probably noticed I haven't posted much; I've explained before that my connection has slowed to a crawl, but before I have the telephone people out, I wanted to run a new line to my computer,just so they wouldn't have anything to complain about on my end.

A couple of weeks ago, I decided I'd run the new line under the house so I got all the stuff together and made my way through the crawl space at the side of my hovel house. I hadn't gone very far -scootching along on my back, the floor joists just a few inches above my face -when I heard a strange noise, almost a cross between a growl and a hiss. I slowly turned my head and came face-to-face with one pissed off possum.

The details are a bit fuzzy, but I do remember trying to jerk myself upright, but there wasn't enough room for me to raise my head very much and I banged my noggin on one of the beams. Thank goodness I had a thick sock cap on to protect my head from the nasty, damp dirt (it had been raining) or I might have done some serious damage to my otherwise thick skull. I'm not for sure how long I was out - couldn't have been too long - but when I woke up there was a possum chewing on my pants leg.

I made my way out from under the house and after a couple of days recuperation from what I'm sure was a fairly good concussion, I found a trap my nephew had given me and set it up by the entrance to the crawl space. (it took me a while to figure out the simple mechanism, and I'm sure the blow to my head had something to do with my cognitive skills)

It took a few tries to get the trap working properly, but I found out what possums like to eat; wieners, chicken bones, lunch meat, etc. They don't seem to like bananas or strawberries though. As I said, I wasn't setting the trap properly and the bait was stolen several times (except for the fruit, they left that alone)

I found this little guy in the trap the next morning and he wasn't pleased at all to be cooped up. Still angry over nearly knocking myself out, I thought I might just shoot the little bugger, but decided I'd better just take him out to the country and let him go. (Still, I secretly hoped a coyote would give him a slow, painful death.)

It rained all the next day and I didn't release him as planned. Checking on him (and feeding it a couple of weiners)I saw it looked miserable and cold. I found an old towel, covered the cage and brought it on the porch. (and now need to clean the possum poop off the porch and will do so as soon as it dries up) I drove just past the city limits the next day and released it near a tree-filled gully. I'm sure it was as glad to get away from me as I was from it.

I've got a video I took just before I released it and will post it as soon as I get my connection sorted out. This photo took about five minutes+ to upload, so there's no way a video would be feasible at this time.

Not sure how many more are under my house, but I'm bringing a baseball bat the next time I venture under there. I'll probably wind up knocking myself out with it if I get scared again.

(There you go, Colleen! Stay tuned for the video!)

September 27, 2010

I Think That I Shall Never See

Another quiz about a tree.

You Are an Autumn Tree

You are contemplative and deep. You enjoy observing the world around you.

You know that change is inevitable, and you try to roll with whatever life brings.

You can see the extraordinary in the ordinary. You are easily inspired.

You try to remain balanced and steady in the face of upheaval.

Lazy Sunday

I haven't been doing much in this blog - as you can tell, huh? I really haven't felt like it, plus I really need to run a new line to this computer and increase my speed back up to where it's supposed to be. In fact, the snail's pace of my DSL connection has kept me from doing much at all online. I've got some photos to upload, but I don't care to play a half-dozen games of Hearts waiting on the upload and I can forget having more than one or two tabs open at a time. I really enjoy listening to my Launchcast radio, but it takes so long to load the player I've almost given up on that.

Yesterday was really a lazy day for me and other than playing the ToTG Triva Tournament, I didn't check in here, not even to check the visitor stats from either of the "counters" I have. It must have been a lazy Sunday for everyone else because we had the least amount of visitors since I started the blog, unique OR repeat.

Still, there were a few visitors to the Cast Away threads and a couple for my post on "The Short Bus" but I was surprised there was no one checking out "My Sister's Feet" or the Gay Dwarfs.

Brought to you by the letters "T&A"

Katy Perry's Boobs Banned from "Sesame Street"

It seems the only boobs allowed on network television are the ones doing the programming.

September 21, 2010


brobdingnagian\ brob-ding-NAG-ee-uhn \ , adjective;
1. Of extraordinary size; gigantic; enormous.

One widget is worth a thousand words.

September 20, 2010


imago\ ih-MAH-goh \ , noun;
1. An idealized concept of a loved one, formed in childhood and retained unaltered in adult life.
2. Entomology . An adult insect.

A few years back, an old girlfriend from high school re-entered my life; at the time, I didn't have a significant other and was thrilled to see the woman, one of my first loves. We were visiting, catching up on family and old friends and I was reminiscing about things that had happened those many years ago and she looked distressed.

"Mike, I'm not the same person I was back then."

Fair enough, I thought; I'm wasn't either, but I thought it might be flattering to her for me to remember so many things we had done together. Oh well, maybe she didn't view those times with as much fondness as did I.

It would have taken a deaf and blind person to have not noticed the signals she was sending out, though...she wanted something immediate, something "physical". - ahem-

I turned to her and said "You remember back when we were kids? We'd go parking - you would want to talk and I'd want to fool around?" She nodded, with a small smile on her face that vanished when I went on:

"Well, now it's the other way around."

Television Hell

I couldn't sleep last night, so I decided to watch some TV, find something on that wasn't TOO interesting as so to bore and lull me to sleep. Flipping through the channels, I couldn't find anything to suit the purpose; there were no replays of baseball games, the news upsets me, and, while infomercials certainly do bore me to tears, I find myself getting hungry watching people use "chop-o-matics", power juicers and especially mini-grills.

Flipping over to the TVLand channel in hopes of finding a M*A*S*H episode I've seen a hundred times before, I found an episode of The Nanny to watch. Now, normally, I would never watch that show - Fran Drescher's voice is akin to fingernails on a chalkboard - there was nothing else on, so I settled in to watch. The half hour went by excruciatingly slow and I was relieved when it was over, hoping that the next offering would be better...but no, there was another Nanny after that one.

Getting up to check the listings, I saw that it was one of many of the same series on, all in a row; it was a Nanny marathon!

It didn't take me long to figure out just how to best watch a Nanny episode; just turn off the sound and focus on Fran Drescher's legs.

Ever talk on the phone to someone you've never seen, then meet them in person and being amazed that the person's face doesn't match up to the voice? I'd like to know how those lovely legs can belong to someone with such a horrible voice.