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May 19, 2011

There's "P" in Pool

Go figger; before I took the test, I predicted I'd be "Hot Tub"

You Are a Pool

You expect the best from the world. You remain open to life and completely optimistic.

You believe in yourself and the people around you. You know that others can always surprise you.

You are lovable, endearing, and affectionate. People gravitate toward your positive spirit.

You’re very unique, but you meld well with a group. You are easy to get along with.

I haven't been in a swimming pool OR a hot tub in ages. I've never been fond of either, especially because of the chlorine. Oh, I realize they HAVE to put chlorine in both mainly because people don't shower before entering either one. I'd love to have both a pool and a hot tub, but would insist people wash themselves before climbing in. Rules don't stop people from peeing in them, though.

When I was a kid I was kicked out of the city pool for peeing in it. I asked the lifeguard "What's the big deal? Everybody does it!"

"Not from the diving board." she replied.

May 17, 2011

Dumb (Ass) Comment

I subscribe to the Amarillo Globe-News Facebook page. Recently they linked to an article on their website about the US Marines bringing home Smoke, a donkey that had been a mascot of the Marines in Iraq.

The comments on the FB page were mostly positive, except for some who griped that it wasn't news, and then there was this, a comment about education funding and a few posts later, another comment. (I put them together in order to save space.)  For privacy, I blacked out the names.

Education is very important and we need to fund it, but if our educational system is churning out functionally illiterate jackasses like that, then something has to change.

The donkey is probably smarter than that person.

May 14, 2011

I'm Not Typical

We Can't Predict Who You Voted For

According to our quiz, there's a 42% chance you voted for Obama.

But that means there's an 58% chance you voted for McCain.

You aren't very typical. You tend to be independent, and your vote is highly coveted.

While we can't predict how you voted, there's a good chance you voted for the winner!

An interesting political quiz. As I've said before, I'm a conservative, but that's by my own definition and not by anyone else's. Some of the answers I gave are responsible for the 42% chance I voted for Obama (I did not)such as gay marriage (I really don't care, but let them call it something else - "marriage" is between a man and a woman. My only objection is one of semantics, I suppose)

Another question that put me in that 42% is "Do you think America has changed for the worse since September 11, 2001?" I said yes but it's not for a single reason - it's the economy, the political hatred from both sides, the ever present threat of terrorism, the eroding of our civil liberties...many reasons. Another question that put me in the percentage is "What should we do in Iraq? Keep our troops there/bring them home?" I want them home, just as I want our troops home from all over the world. We're financing the very socialism we decry in other countries mainly because they're not paying for their own defense and are instead spending that money on socialistic programs.

Other questions that put me in the other percentage category are where do I live, do I have a favorable opinion on Bush (I did when I took the test, but ask me again tomorrow and I might have a different answer)

Take the test, see for yourself. I know these tests aren't to be taken seriously or literally, but I AM proud of what it says in my results:

"You aren't very typical. You tend to be independent, and your vote is highly coveted."


misnomer \mis-NO-muhr\ , noun;

1. The misnaming of a person in a legal instrument, as in a complaint or indictment.
2. Any misnaming of a person or thing; also, a wrong or inapplicable name or designation.

I've been seeing plenty of misnomers lately in the political forums I frequent;  since I am a conservative, that's the type of discussion group I most often read.  Many posts from my fellow conservatives label liberals as baby killing America haters - a silly and stupid characterization - while I often see posts by professed liberals saying that conservatives are environmental hazards and religious nutjobs - again, an idiotic and false stereotype.

The worst I see, however, are the misnomers by both sides towards Ron Paul, namely that he's a racist, an anti-Semite as well as an isolationist.  Those accusations, as well as many others leveled at the good doctor, are all patently false. Paul's supporters are almost always labelled as "Paulbots" or "Paultards" because of the heated exchanges between themselves and RP devotees. The detractors take offense at the heat they get, but it's almost always started by the ones doing the name calling.

Personally, I think what really scares the Repubs and the Dems is the vast spectrum of the American public (as well as many in other countries) that love Ron Paul and for what he stands for and his steady consistency over the years on the issues.   His broad base of supporters includes young and old, conservative and liberal but the common ground they all have is the belief that the U.S. Constitution should be the supreme law in this great country and that our govt. ignores the Tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights - powers not granted to the federal government nor prohibited to the states by the Constitution are reserved, respectively, to the states or the people.

I don't think Paul has a chance in hell of gaining the nomination, but I still plan to vote for him.  I don't care who tells me it's a wasted vote (if you vote it's not a waste, no matter who you vote for) but I'm so tired of voting for "the lesser evil". 

Even the lesser evil is still evil.