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July 22, 2012

Stupidest List Of All Time

I subscribe to the Ranker page on Facebook.  Ranker also has a website and the premise of the site is to list a group of things or people and let the readers rank them in order.  They've recently had lists of The Best Web Series, The Best Sports Franchises Of All Time, The Worst U.S. Presidents and TV Shows Canceled Before Their Time. What's really cool is that the reader doesn't have to join the site in order to rank the list.

Sometimes the subject interests me, sometimes not, but when I saw the most recent list The Lamest Authors of All Time, I had to go see what others thought were "lame" authors. Immediately, I thought of several and it was satisfying to see them on the list, but there were others I felt didn't belong, such as John Grisham and Tom Clancy....then I got to #23 (at the current time) and was flabbergasted to see Robert Heinlein listed. He's only been ranked by four people so far, two with thumbs up and two with thumbs down, but seriously?  The dean of science fiction writers on a list of bad authors?

Now, I've always said our differences are what makes the world go 'round and that it's always bewildered me to see people get so upset if someone else doesn't like something they love, such as a musician or movie.  The first personal attack I ever received on the 'net was when I simply stated I didn't like pineapple. (I'm slightly allergic to some tropical fruits, such as it and kiwi)

Dan Brown, the author of The DaVinci Code was listed.  I didn't care for either of the two books of his I read, but I wouldn't categorize him as "lame".  He's had far too much success to be put into that category.  L Ron Hubbard is presently at the top of the list, and I wouldn't disagree there, even though I enjoyed Battlefield Earth.  I would put him on the list because of the inane Dianetics series and the faux religion he spawned.  Even though I consider myself a "small L" libertarian, I could understand Ayn Rand being on the list.  Her classic tome Atlas Shrugged has some great points but I can't agree completely with Objectivism. It's also been a while since I read it and I've been meaning to read it again, but I had a hard time keeping my interest in it the first time.

I could think of other authors I would have included, such as J. D. Salinger; Catcher in the Rye has to be one of the worst books I've ever suffered through.  I know it's considered a classic, but instead of being about "adolescent alienation" as others have described, it seems to me to be more about self-indulgence and selfishness. Some people have compared Catcher to Huckleberry Finn.  Good grief.

My purpose here wasn't to go over each author in turn, though, but to show my shock that such a great writer as Heinlein would be included in a list of this type.  You might not like sci fi, you might not like RAH because of his political views, you might not like him because of what some perceive to be his male chauvinism but I simply can't understand why he would on a list of worst authors. His books written for juveniles started me on my life-long love of reading and I still enjoy them.  I gave the Heinlein books I owned to my nephews and they credit them for starting their own love of reading.  (then I went out and bought new copies to replace the ones I had given away)

Sure, he wrote some books I didn't care for but that would also hold true for other favorite authors of mine, such as the aforementioned Clancy and Grisham.

Oh well, like I said, our differences are what make us unique.  The difference here is that I'm right and that list is wrong, wrong, wrong for including Heinlein. 

July 20, 2012

My Fantasy Was HUGE!

I published a post just now: Google Earth vs Bing Maps but it was so huge with screen shots (and my blathering on), it stretched out the page.  I don't show many posts because I'm picky about having the side bar match the length of all the posts and I often change the number of posts so they'll be close to even, fewer with longer posts, more when I have shorter ones.

It wasn't so much about comparing the two but more about a property I'd love to own and is my "fantasy", something I wish for.  Momma always told me you could wish your life away and I suppose that could be true, but it's harmless and cheap entertainment for me.

So, if you're interested, check it out.

July 16, 2012

Hanky Panky-Tommy James & the Shondells

Billboard Hot 100 #1 single July 16, 1966

The Nuclear Age Was Born

July 16, 1945 was the first detonation of a nuclear device, code named Trinity.

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

July 12, 2012

Sporking Up A Conversation

I was at the Taco Bell drive through the other day; in the past I've got home to find something different than what I'd ordered or something left out.  To be fair, that hasn't happened a lot, but many times they had not given me napkins and an eating utensil, so now I always check before I drive off.

As I was opening the bag to look, I asked the girl at the window if she had put a spork in w/ the order. She looked offended and assured me they didn't spit in the food.  Laughing, I told her that was the name of the utensil and she looked at me like I was nuts.  Then she shook her head and shut the window.

Maybe from now on I need to check for more than a spork in my bag.

July 11, 2012

Marquee Tag

The marquee tag works in Blogger.....
Works for scrolls too!

Also works with images!

Of course, it depends upon the browser, but I was pleased to see it works w/ Firefox.

Not that I could ever think of a reason to use it, but I always thought it was cool that a line or two of code, some simple tags, could manipulate text and images.

When I first got a computer, I sussed out email, then I figured out how to navigate, then found out I could search for something, mainly those "movin' pictures", animated GIFs. I thought those things fascinating. (as you can tell, I'm easily amused) I'll never forget the day that made me want to learn how to create a page; my friend Garazon made a simple little Halloween page and had embedded some music. I thought that was the coolest thing and decided I needed to know how to do that stuff, too.

Well, it's been nearly ten years since that first computer and by now you'd probably think I should be able to create some sort of deluxe website, but like everything else in my life, I just wanted to know the basics. I've done that with all sorts of things, from auto mechanics to juggling to playing the harmonica. I can do those things and many more, none very well, but I CAN do them.

I guess I was and always will be satisfied to be a "jack of all trades, master of none." I can live with that.

Note: This was first posted in July '09.

EDIT: I've noticed several hits on this post from a post in the mozillaZine forum. I'm glad no one took me to task for using the marquee tag; as I said, I don't really see the need for it, unless one wanted to create a headline of sorts, but it would depend upon the user's browser whether it would work or not.

And, as I said, I'm easily amused and love to see the doggy run across the screen. Magic!