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July 7, 2013

Cheesy Trivia

Did you know Blue Stilton cheese is a trademark protected name and can only be produced in three English adjacent counties? They are: Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire. Oddly enough, it cannot be produced in the village that gave the cheese its name because it's not in the three permitted counties.

July 5, 2013

Superstitious Sailor's Stone

Superstitious sailors used to carry the gemstone Aquamarine to ensure safe passage at sea.


blighter blight·er [blahy-ter] noun British Slang.

1. a contemptible, worthless person, especially a man; scoundrel or rascal.
2. a chap; bloke.

Having "met" several fantastic British friends since I've been online, I've increased my vocabulary of British slang. (I've also become used to the way certain words are spelled with a "u", such as labour, humour, etc.) I've even adopted a few of the more humourous humorous ones, like "chuffed" (proud) "shattered" (extremely tired), "tosser" (an unpleasant person, although it can also be used in the same context as "wanker" - go look that one up yourself), but I haven't adopted saying "Blimey" yet.  I might start using "blighter", though because I know plenty of them...but not well enough to know if they're wankers or not.

I'm Definitely No Rose

Your Birth Flower is a Lily of the Valley

You have a pure happiness, joy, and goodness that others lack in this modern world.

You are a truly humble and sweet person. Your humility is not an act, and you feel very blessed in your life.

The Lily of the Valley symbolizes protection, and you are fittingly protective of those close to you.

You care deeply about what happens to those you love. You often put their interests ahead of yours.

The Lily of the Valley often represents luck in love. It's likely that you think you have been lucky in this area.

And if you haven't been lucky yet, you are still good at facilitating the luck of others. You are an excellent matchmaker. 

July 4, 2013


dandy dan·dy [dan-dee] noun, plural dan·dies, adjective, dan·di·er, dan·di·est.


1. a man who is excessively concerned about his clothes and appearance; a fop.
2. Informal. something or someone of exceptional or first-rate quality: Your reply was a dandy.


3. characteristic of a dandy; foppish.
4. Informal. fine; excellent; first-rate: a dandy vacation spot.

Not a word that's in use much these days,except around here in a reply to "How ya doin'?  "Oh, fine and dandy, thanks for askin'."

I suppose that, on this day of all days, the first song I should have thought of to add to these word definitions (as I like to do when I can) is this one from the musical of the same name:

I guess I'm showin' my age, because this one was the first to come to mind:

Jim Dandy - Black Oak Arkansas