dandy dan·dy [dan-dee] noun, plural dan·dies, adjective, dan·di·er, dan·di·est.
1. a man who is excessively concerned about his clothes and appearance; a fop.
2. Informal. something or someone of exceptional or first-rate quality: Your reply was a dandy.
3. characteristic of a dandy; foppish.
4. Informal. fine; excellent; first-rate: a dandy vacation spot.
Not a word that's in use much these days,except around here in a reply to "How ya doin'? "Oh, fine and dandy, thanks for askin'."
I suppose that, on this day of all days, the first song I should have thought of to add to these word definitions (as I like to do when I can) is this one from the musical of the same name:
I guess I'm showin' my age, because this one was the first to come to mind:
Jim Dandy - Black Oak Arkansas
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