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Carpe Diem, all that.

July 28, 2013

Slightly Phobic

Not too many things frighten me...at least to the point of being an irrational fear, making me run away screaming. I'm not fond of enclosed spaces and don't like being in large crowds, but I wouldn't say those fears are phobias. (maybe they are, but...) I don't like spiders, but I'm cool after they've been smashed. I don't care for snakes, so I just avoid them. How phobic are you?

You Are 24% Phobic

Scared? You? Not really. Everyone has a few normal phobias, and you're no exception.

It's okay to be afraid of a few things. You wouldn't be human if you weren't. 


Carolea said...

You have a few more phobias than the average person. And you're sometimes developing new ones.
Try to chill out and conquer some of your phobias. Facing your fears is the only way to get rid of them.

Barb said...

Mine was 8%. It told me I should be on a reality show for risk takers. That is definitely not me, but the only two things that really get me phobic are huge crowds and high places.

Mike said...

I don't like heights, either, Barb, sort of odd for someone who preferred working derricks on the rigs. I forced myself to just swallow hard and get over it. The worst part was the climb up and the one down; after I was belted in, the fear went away. It was easier, cooler during the summer (but colder during the winter) and overall, safer. I bet there's a YT video of some hand riding the blocks up, that was the best way to get up and down...except for that step across nothing. (makes my toes curl up thinking about it)

I love to fly, but don't like being on a structure up high. I could never, ever be an ironworker.

I'm also not thrilled about being restrained; I've said it before, if I wasn't crazy before you put me in a straitjacket, I'd be crazy in an hour or two.

Thank you both for taking the quiz!