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October 9, 2013

Droid Factoid

Out of all the actors in the six Star Wars movies, only two have appeared in every movie; Kenny Baker, who played R2-D2 and Anthony Daniels, who played C-3PO.

October 7, 2013

R.I.P. Walter White

Some Breaking Bad fans put this obit in the Albuquerque newspaper:

October 6, 2013


whirligig whirl·i·gig [hwur-li-gig, wur-] noun
1. something that whirls or revolves.
2. a whirling motion or course: the whirligig of fashion.
3. a giddy or flighty person.
4. Dialect . a merry-go-round or carrousel.
5. a toy for whirling or spinning, as a top.

Whirligigs have always fascinated me, especially the more complex ones.

October 5, 2013

What Fall Spice Are You?

Not so sure about the "tact" part.

I've bought quite a bit of cinnamon over the last year, prob. more than I'll be able to use before it loses its flavor.  I've got some Saigon cinnamon and Ceylon.  I prefer the Ceylon; the flavor is good, milder than the Vietnamese kind which has a bit of a "bite" to it.  They're both good, I just like the Ceylon better.  I sprinkle a bit on my breakfast oatmeal, not only to add some flavor, but for the health benefits;  it seems to keep my blood sugar in check. (as long as I don't eat a chocolate bar later)

You Are Cinnamon

You are warm and friendly. You are a social creature and a true extrovert.

You are welcoming, and you love to have people over to your place. You make everyone feel at home.

You are sweet, but you aren't overwhelming. You know how to be subtle with people. You have tact.

You love life, and people love to be around you. You are very popular without trying to be. 

Cinnamon - Tommy Roe


As read by Bryan Cranston