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August 15, 2014

How The Sun Sees You

Interesting - and chilling - video about the importance of wearing sunscreen.

August 14, 2014


desiderium noun, plural desideria [des-i-deer-ee-uh]

1. an ardent longing, as for something lost.

I often long for things I've lost - money I've blown, old friends who have moved away or died, the trust of people I care about, but the thing I miss the most is my youth.

Oh, not ALL of it, just the best parts, like playing ball and feeling full of energy and the thrill of being totally in love. I don't miss waking up and having a zit on the end of my nose or worrying about grades or if my girlfriend was starting to like someone better than she did me.

So...I miss the sports and enthusiasm but not the rest of the teen angst. I'm pretty sure that wasn't "love" I was feeling at the time, either, but simply a product of raging hormones.

Mine aren't raging these days, but they're still there.  I'm missing someone to prove it to, though.

Music Makes Me Young(er)

You are in Your Musical 50s

The music you love never goes out of style - it's classic. You tend to only listen to the very best.

Your taste in music may be mainstream at this point in your life, but that's a good thing. You can make a playlist that everyone loves.

You tend to stick with artists you know these days, but if you find a new artist that you do like, you know it right away.

Your favorite music is creative, moody, and subtle. You don't need a song to overwhelm you in order to appreciate it. 


August 13, 2014

Pro But Not Con

You can't name a folder "con" in Microsoft Windows.

Special Deliveries

After seeing all the complaining on Amazon about shipments arriving damaged, I now understand why. This only affirms my decision to NOT get Amazon Prime;  my stuff is shipped via the good ol' USPS and it might get to me later, but it's always in one piece.  

At least it's not drop kicked to the top of my house.

August 12, 2014

My Paperback Sharona

Brilliantly done mash-up of The Beatles' "Paperback Writer" and The Knack's "My Sharona".

On Second Thought....

From the Quote of the Day module in the right-hand column:

I often regret that I have spoken; never that I have been silent.
 - Publilius Syrus

When I first read this, I thought it would make a great post for my Facebook wall, but just after I posted it, I thought about it some more and deleted it. Why?

Well, there ARE times I wish I had said something but didn't.  I should have stood up for guys back in school who were getting bullied by older kids, should have said something when I have been insulted or received poor service from clerks and waitresses,  should have said something when someone was spreading lies or malicious gossip...but I didn't, and in most of those cases I regret that more than the times I said something I shouldn't have.