Welcome to ToTG!

September 27, 2014


bibliophobe [bib-lee-uh-fohb] noun

1. a person who hates, fears, or distrusts books.

I might be a lot of things, but a bibliophobe I'm not.

I don't believe everything I read, however, and sometimes the things I read scare me...not ghost stories, but the news.

Where Did All the Money Go? - Baby

September 26, 2014

High-Speed Canyon Jet Ski

This made me dizzy and more than a little claustrophobic.

Facebook Email Change

Facebook sure has been changing a lot of things here lately. Most of the changes were ones I didn't much care for, such as the Timeline makeover, but this one doesn't affect me at all. I get P.M.s fairly often from my FB friends and sometimes a few from other folks that go in the "Other" folder (and which I often miss) but I never used my Facebook email account.

(my real name redacted as so to give me the illusion that I have a little bit of privacy left)