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May 13, 2015

What Energizes You?

Flexibility Energizes You

You see the world as a place full of opportunities and promise. You love to keep your options open.

You aren't the type of person who needs a plan. In fact, too much scheduling can weigh your energy down.

You need as much freedom as possible, and you won't squander it. You put your time and energy to good use.

You don't have expectations about the future, and you are always ready to change course. You try to leave space for new experiences and adventures. 


I'd say this quiz is one of the most spot-on of any I've ever taken.  I really don't like schedules and love my freedom, although most of the time I don't put my time and energy to good use.  I certainly don't have expectations about the future, that's for sure.

Yes, flexibility usually energizes me, but there was that time when I dated that nymphomaniac gymnast....

May 12, 2015


A "bump" from Oct. 16, 2012

Did you know? EGOT: Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony - winning all four is called the "Grand Slam of show business". (EGOT is sometimes known as "GATE", the "A" for Academy)

Eleven people have won all four major annual American entertainment awards - List - but there are only two who have won those four awards as well as the Pulitzer: Richard Rodgers and Marvin Hamlisch.

The reason I "bumped" this post was because I was reminded of it just now after hearing some idjit sports talk hosts talking about famous birthdays and mentioning that today was Katharine Hepburn's birthday and adding a not-funny crack about her being dead. Sheesh. Topping off that not-funny remark was one of the hosts saying her daughter was Audrey Hepburn. What? It made me go look to see if it was true - it wasn't. Dumb bastards.(and I'm a dumb one for having to go look)

Anyway, I remembered this post when I saw that Audrey Hepburn was a member of the elite EGOT club. (although how elite it is comes into question when Whoopie Goldburg is also in the club)  Glancing through the list I had read when I first posted this, I saw that Philip Michael Thomas was credited with coining the acronym. To be honest, the name was familiar when I read it, but off the top of my head I couldn't have told anyone what he had done. I remembered when I saw he had starred in Miami Vice. I've never been much of a fan of cop shows (hasn't the buddy cop thing been done to death?) and I can't remember ever watching a single full episode of that show, so that was the reason I couldn't remember Thomas.

Owen Wilson Says "Wow"

A lot.  A whole lot.

May 11, 2015

Largest Pyramid in the World

The world's largest pyramid is not in Egypt; it's the Great Pyramid of Cholula in Cholula de Rivadabia near Mexico City.