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March 23, 2017

Four Winds - Bright Eyes

Stumbled across this vid here a while back and I'm not for sure whether I want to buy the album or boo along with the audience.

Lovely tune, strange lyrics. It's a protest, but I'm not for sure against WHAT.

Update:  Some interpretations of the lyrics.

March 20, 2017

Funny Flamingo Fact

There are more plastic Flamingos in the United States than real ones.

March 8, 2017

Which gift would you like?

From the   photo email12.gif  archives.

Your Personality Determined By Which Gift You Choose

Which gift would you like?

To determine your personality, pick the gift you'd most like to receive...Make the choice now before you go on...don't look until you've made your choice!

1. Candy

2. Flowers

3. A sweet poem

4. Sex

5. Dinner/Dancing

6. Waffle iron

Answers in comment section!

March 5, 2017

Beetle Juice

Cleopatra made her lipstick from crushed beetles, which gave it a red pigment, and ants, which she used for the base.

Chuck Norris - Sniper

March 2, 2017

To My Fellow Texans

And everyone else who loves liberty!

Happy Texas Independence Day!

Texas is a state of mind. Texas is an obsession. Above all, Texas is a nation in every sense of the word.

- John Steinbeck

February 26, 2017

We Screwed Up

Well, yeah. 

From the site:

What has two thumbs and screwed up? Me!!!

We just relaunched and redesigned the website. It was getting old and clunky and it was time for an overhaul. When you move you always end up losing something. I'm sorry you couldn't find what you were looking for but feel free to:
I looked for the recipe for chicken hearts I saw on another website, but it's not there.  That's heartless to not include that...or maybe chicken.

February 23, 2017

What Domesticated Animal Are You?

Sometimes these quizzes are so spot-on they're scary.  I'm not convinced of the "...you tend to help others heal", but I like to think the rest is accurate.

You Are a Cat

You are a highly independent person. You enjoy exploring the world on your own, and you really treasure your alone time.

You have a deep connection with yourself, and you are most relaxed when you fly solo. You enjoy family and friends, but you are a loner at heart.

You are a true adventurer, and you have a ton of courage. You are very curious about the world, and you love to explore the unknown as much as you can.

You are a very intuitive creature, and you tend to help others heal. You have a good sense of what someone needs, even if there are many mysteries involved. 


February 18, 2017

Heavy World

The Earth weighs approx. 5.972 × 1024 kg or about
6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons.

February 17, 2017

Puss Pee Poster

Cat urine glows under a black light.

I wonder if they use it as ink for college dorm room posters?

February 7, 2017

Seeing Dollar Signs

The $ (dollar sign) is a combination of the letters "P" and "S", "PS" being the abbreviation for pesos, the principal coin in circulation in the U.S. until 1794.
Dollar Sign Rotate

February 6, 2017

Tongue Trivia Tidbit

Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.

February 3, 2017

Are You Smarter Than You Think?

Here are the criteria, according to this:

15 Signs You Might Be Smarter Than You Think

I'll go down the list and comment after each one.

#15. You’re thin.

Well, one strike against me already.  I'm certainly not fat, but not exactly thin, either.

#14. You drink alcohol regularly.

Nope.  I have alcohol in my house and during the hottest parts of summers, I sometimes buy a six pack or even 12, but most go to waste.  "Regularly"?  No.

#13. You’re a worrywart.

I wouldn't say that applies to me, either.  I only start worrying when things start looking bad.  Yep, I procrastinate even in my worrying.

#12. You’re messy.

Ding Ding Ding!  I finally matched up with one.  I think "messy" would be a little too kind to describe me;  I'm a slob.

#11. Being alone is just fine with you.

Oh yeah, probably because of #12.  Seriously, my mom used to tell me I preferred my own company and she was right.  I could be a hermit, as long as the cave was close to a grocery store and had high speed Internet.  

#10. You own a cat.

Never considered myself "owning" a cat, but rather that I was their servant.  I feed some outside kitties, so I'm gonna count this one as a "Yes".

#9. You’re tall, or left-handed.

Just what defines "tall"?  I'm not short.  I used to be just nearly 6 feet tall, but as I've grown older, I'm getting shorter, a natural thing from what I've read.  Maybe that means as you grow older and shorter, you also get dumber?

I'm not left-handed, either.  I'm sort of glad about that, after seeing the difficulties some of my left-handed friends encounter in a right-handed world.

#8. People think you’re funny.

I think they do, at least most people who know me do.  I like to make people laugh. I used to make my ex-wife laugh when I undressed in front of her. 

#7. Sex could wait until after high school.

Good grief, no.  I couldn't wait and dreamed about it from the first time I ever considered girls as sexual beings.  I seriously was afraid I'd die a virgin.   

#6. Suburbia is not for you.

Well, back on the right track with that one.  I would prefer living alone out in the country, isolated from city sounds and nearby neighbors.

#5. You’re the oldest child.

Nope, the youngest.

#4. You were breastfed.

I don't really know for sure.  It wasn't something I ever queried my mom about, but I doubt it.  

#3. Reading came easily.

Yes, I knew how to read before I started going to school, thanks to two older sisters who liked to play teacher.  I don't remember learning how to read, just that I knew how long before my peers did.

#2. People call you a night owl.

10-4 on that one.  I have worked a lot of nights in my life and it never bothered me.  I enjoy the quiet of the night.

#1. You’ve used recreational drugs.

Well, yeah, I have.  I hate to admit to it, and I often regret spending the money on them, but then again, I am glad I did them when I was younger and got it out of my system. I never shot anything up, though and my experience with anything other than pot is very limited.  I didn't care for most of it, for one thing and didn't like how it changed the people who DID use them to excess.

So, not sure if that quiz proved anything.  I honestly don't think I'm smarter than I think I am.  I think I'm exactly as smart as I think I am...and not sure if that makes me smart for thinking that.

Never - Heart

February 2, 2017

Happy Groundhog Day!

You Should Give a Newscast

You are full of facts (even about Groundhog's Day), and people often wonder where you get the time to learn so much. You're not even sure yourself.

You know how to make the most of a boring situation, and you're naturally entertaining. You punch things up.

February 1, 2017

The End of the Republic

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic. Sell not liberty to purchase power."

-- Benjamin Franklin

Yes & No

Yes on the 7th one, No on the 9th.

January 27, 2017

Eggzactly Correct Results

Because I'm really a good egg.

You Are Easygoing

You're not one to make waves or even assert yourself unless it's important. You prefer to let things take their course.

You tend to follow the path of least resistance, as long as it won't make you unhappy. You don't have the energy for stress or drama.

You are a true friend, and you are always there for those around you. You are good company.

You are a bit old fashioned and very well mannered. You don't need to spill your guts to everyone you meet. 


January 26, 2017

Nine-Banded Armadillo

A nine-banded armadillo always gives birth to identical quadruplets.

January 20, 2017

Hail to the Chief

Hail to the Chief we have chosen for the nation,
Hail to the Chief! We salute him, one and all.
Hail to the Chief, as we pledge cooperation
In proud fulfillment of a great, noble call.

Yours is the aim to make this grand country grander,
This you will do, that's our strong, firm belief.
Hail to the one we selected as commander,
Hail to the President! Hail to the Chief!

January 10, 2017


From the site:

How To Play:
Think about a movie
Answer about 30 questions
Filmillion will guess the movie.

While you're there, read the About Game section where it explains how the website came into being, based upon an actual machine that was put into a cinema but was not a commercial success.

I had been looking for the movie The Genius Club (see post directly below this one) and tried it with the site. I actually stumped it...but the movie was "unknown" to them (and unknown to millions of theater goers, too, apparently). I then tried Dr. Strangelove and it guessed it within 30 questions!

What Is My Movie?


From the site:

Describe a movie

Use your own words, or search with titles, actors, directors, genres etc. We find movies for you to watch.

Search tips

Describe any aspect of the movie content you are looking for, and we will find the best movies for you.
Search for example:

find all Harry Potter movies
find me James Bond movies with Sean Connery
show me parody films scifi movie about space battles and laser guns
eastwood protecting the president
romantic scifi movie comedy in hawaii
ridley scott columbus expedition

Search by typing exact movie quotes using quotations marks:
"may the force be with you"

Best way to find actors is to use full name with quotation marks.

I stumbled across this site while trying to think of the movie The Genius Club (which I had reviewed a few yrs. back, but since I couldn't remember the title, couldn't find it using the Blogger search feature). I plugged in "Geniuses hostages printer ink" and the name popped up right away!

January 7, 2017

Politics, Religion and Food

I just got through reading an article linked to on Facebook - I won't link to it in this post because that's not the gist of this rant - but it was how we (people) should have a more plant-based diet.  I wouldn't disagree with that, but articles like that always start off some vicious arguments and there were plenty under the piece.  I've found that often the comments are more entertaining than the article.

That's something I've noticed since I've been online for these last 17+ years;  of course, politics and religion have always sparked some contentious debate, a long time before there were forums and message boards, but I'd say the next most hotly discussed topic is food. (and movies, TV shows and music would be close behind)

In fact, one of the first times I was ever savaged online was in a chat room and someone mentioned they were making a pineapple upside-down cake.  I mentioned that I don't care for pineapple and I was attacked before they let me explain that I have an allergy to pineapple, that it makes my throat itch. (as do several other tropical fruits, such as kiwi fruit, papaya, and sometimes oranges)

The next time I saw a "food fight" break out was over whether to put chili in beans.  The recipe said "real Texans" would never dream of it.  Personally, I don't care for beans in my chili, but I'm also a "real Texan" and enough of one to not stick my nose into someone's business - if they want to put beans in their chili, then that's fine with me.  If they invited me to dinner and their chili had beans in it, I am also enough of a Texan to not criticize my host.  No, I'd eat it and probably would ask for seconds.

(funny - I don't really like beans in my chili, but I put a can of chili - Texas Wolf Brand - when I make beans)

I recently saw a dispute over goulash, of all things.  The recipe wasn't even titled "Hungarian" but the comments got heated over just what was "authentic".    Call it what you like, call me ignorant for calling it that, but just don't call me late for supper!

I can semi-understand arguing about politics and religion, esp. if someone insults your candidate/party or your faith, but to argue about food?  Ridiculous.  I wish I could draw - I'd make a graphic of God wearing an Obama t-shirt while eating a cheeseburger as He was kicking Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi down to Hell along with the Muslims.

That way I could piss off the Republicans, the vegans, the gays, the Democrats, and the radical Islamists in one fell swoop.

I might even draw Him with a pistol stuck in His belt, just to piss off the gun-grabbers.

The Other Side of the World

Find out where the other side of the world is from your location at antipodr
According to the website, the other side of the world from here is in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

other side of the world

Which means that, even if I dug a really deep hole, I wouldn't wind up in China.