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March 3, 2008

My HJT Log


garazon said...

Hi Mike
I would fix this line:

and this one:

But leave this one between the two :

then reboot and post a new HJT

Mike said...

I bet you used one of those online analyzer places. -grin-

Mike said...

Actually, I've been having some Windows Explorer problems, but it's got to be w/ one of those programs I've installed that's on the right-click menu OR it's the way I had it set up, then went to set all my music folders alike (again) then it reset my darn Explorer Window look, with the left side menu, and I had it w/out that, but it said I couldn't do that w/out resetting it, so I did, and it wound up worse (the error) PLUS I liked it the way I had it.