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December 31, 2012

Census Dotmap

From the site: Census Dotmap is a map of every person counted by the 2010 US Census. The map has 308,450,225 dots - one for each person. On the whole, Census Dotmap is an image of human settlement patterns unmediated by proxies like city boundaries, arterial roads, state lines, etc.

Be patient; depending upon your connection, it will take a little while to load over three million dots!  Use the map feature to zoom down to the area you wish to view in more detail.

As you can see, the Texas Panhandle is sparsely populated, especially compared to the Eastern Seaboard and Southern California.

I like it that way, even though this geographic area doesn't have much clout in Congress or the Texas Legislature.

Census Dotmap


The Local Malcontent said...

Is that you Mike? No, no, the other one there, to the right--
No, your other right--
Is that you??

Mike said...

Dot's me!

How are you doing? Hope everything is better than the last time I heard.