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December 4, 2012

Don't Gross Out the World

Think you know your world dining etiquette? See how you fare with foreign fare eating customs.

Don't Gross Out the World

I did ok, I guess:


Barb said...

Same score as you! Those picky Germans!

Mike said...

My dad used to tell us stories about when he and the rest of his family went to the Pacific Northwest to pick produce during the latter part of the Depression. Somewhere in Washington state he made friends w/ a Japanese boy and was invited to their home for dinner.

Dad said they were really loud and near obnoxious in their eating and the mother - who couldn't speak English - looked displeased with Dad. His friend leaned into him and told him to burp and slurp, that that was a sign you were enjoying the meal. Dad started doing that and the mother beamed at him.

I grew up with a girl, really cute and shapely, but she and her entire family smacked their lips constantly while eating. Another boy, from a rich family, ate and talked w/ his mouth open all the time. Just a strange thing about mealtime habits, huh? It used to annoy my Mom to have your elbows on the table, although that's not considered improper if you're eating foods that were meant to be eaten by hand, like fried chicken or hotdogs/hamburgers.