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June 1, 2013

Hair of the Dog - Nazareth

A little personal story: It wasn't long after this song had been released when I bought a brand new "quadraphonic" stereo with four speakers. I purchased the stereo from the hardware store in my home town, paying about fifty bucks more than I should have. I could barely wait to get some new records to listen to and the first album I bought was the Nazareth album with this song on it. I hastily unwrapped the cellophane wrapper and carefully handling the vinyl on the edges as so not to get fingerprints on the record's grooves, I started the turntable and turned up the volume.

After the opening riff, I stepped away to go to the bathroom.  I got done, walked back into the room where the stereo was and smelled an acrid, burning odor.  About that time the speakers crackled and emitted a high-pitched whine...then smoke started pouring out of the back of my brand new stereo.  I quickly unplugged it before it caught on fire.

It wasn't TOTALLY ruined, I had it fixed...to the tune of about half of what I had paid for it.  (and yes, I tried to take it back to the store, but he told me to send it to the factory...in Taiwan.)

I was as mad as the S.O.B. they're singing about in the song.

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