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July 2, 2014

The Train Oracle

You Are Smart and Stable

You love concrete information. You are definitely a just the facts type of person.

You feel most comfortable when you understand what's expected of you. You appreciate structure.

You enjoy reading, especially nonfiction. You can get lost in books and magazines.

You are family oriented. Some of your best memories revolve around the family dinner table. 

Not so sure about smart and stable, but some of my best memories DO revolve around the family dinner table...not because of the family per se, but because of the food!  My mom was a pretty good cook;  when I was a kid, I ate at classmate's houses and only a few of the meals I had were as good as those my mom had prepared. 

My mom also canned a lot and many times when I was a kid during the summer and "starving", momma would let me go down into the deliciously cool cellar and open up a jar of her delicious canned tomatoes.  She also would pickle okra and she and a family friend would sit at the kitchen table and eat a jar or two while their husbands were out in the garage working on something.  I really miss her pickled beets - I wouldn't touch them when I was a kid, but one time a slice got put on my plate by accident and some of the juice got on something else and I ate a bit without realizing it.  Wow, that was great and I was hooked on them ever since.  Store-bought are OK, I guess, but not nearly as good as the ones momma made...they were probably both made with similar recipes, but the ones my mom made had love for her family mixed in.

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