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Showing posts with label interesting. Show all posts

August 24, 2015

Sleep Signing

Sign language users have been known to sign in their sleep.

August 11, 2015


Backpfeifengesicht (bokf-‘fIf-en-ge-zikt) noun; German compound word 

a person who needs to be slapped;  literally "a face that needs a fist in it".

August 5, 2015

The Same 13 Letters

"Eleven plus two" and "twelve plus one" both equal 13 and both have 13 letters.

In fact, they both have THE SAME 13 letters.

July 31, 2015

I Like My Trivia Over Easy

The 100 folds of a traditional chef's hat (aka "toque") are said to represent the many different ways a chef knows to cook an egg.

June 28, 2015

Giraffes Can't Yawn

So claimed my trivia calendar the other day. That didn't make sense and didn't give a reason why, so I did a little research and found some trivia sites (here's one) that claimed that neither whales nor giraffes have ever been filmed yawning.

Well, I wasn't convinced;  perhaps whales WERE yawning and it was thought they were just opening their huge mouths to suck in some krill.  There's a video on YouTube of a young whale calf that sure looks like it's yawning. (about.39 seconds into the vid)  OTOH, yawns are a mysterious thing;  some scientists claim they are an involuntary action to take in oxygen to cool the brain and others say it's to exercise jaw muscles. (and it's pretty much a consensus that it has nothing to do with boredom)  After an image search, I found this photo and others like it:

Now, that might be a yawn...or it might be the face made during a mating call.  I went on looking and found these photos on the Sacramento Zoo Blog.

So, I believe I'll go with the folks at a zoo before I will a trivia calendar. (which has been wrong on some and "iffy" on other "facts" - if I have posted a trivia "fact" I've usually checked it, especially if it's one that gives me suspicion)

June 17, 2015

June 16, 2015

The Earth is Getting Heavier

Every year the Earth becomes about 12 tons (24,000 lbs.) heavier because of meteorites landing.

April 12, 2015

Zeigarnik Effect

Ever get a song stuck in your head and it won't go away?  That's an example of the Zeigarnik Effect, the tendency to experience intrusive thoughts about an objective that was once pursued and left incomplete.

It's been suggested that either letting the song "play" to its conclusion or singing the last few lines will help get it out of your head.

April 7, 2015

All the Live-Long Day

Rail and tie-replacing machine.  Fascinating.

March 15, 2015

Giraffe Cam

One of my favorite webcams and I try to visit at least every few days.  This cam is of the Masai Giraffe Exhibit at the Greenville, SC zoo where you can watch the mom, Autumn, and dad, Walter and their son Kiko.  If the giraffes aren't in their stalls, then they're most likely out in the paddock, which also has a cam (link at bottom of page) and they also have an archived video of giraffe births on YouTube

BTW, I'm a giraffe.

February 18, 2015

Cuddle Clones®

Get your one-of-a-kind plush replica that looks just like your pet at Cuddle Clones®. All you have to do is submit at least one photo of your pet and choose a few customization options (eye color, ear and tail position and other distinguishing features) and they'll send you your very own Cuddle Clone®.

There are two price scales, one for small pets such as guinea pigs, rabbits and other small pets and a little more expensive for large pets such as dogs, cats and horses. A portion of the price of each Cuddle Clone® goes to pet-related causes.

They also sell custom figurine likenesses of your pet, custom collars, granite memorials, other custom stuffed animals and gift cards for all occasions

  (photo used with permission)

February 10, 2015

Bouncing in the Booze

A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top.

Note:  I'm sure it will eventually stop, either when the raisin becomes saturated with liquid or the champagne loses its fizz.

January 20, 2015

Lightning vs The Sun

Lightning is five times hotter than the sun.

Yes, it's true.  A bolt of lightning can reach temperatures of roughly 30,000 kelvins (53,540 degrees Fahrenheit), while the surface of the sun is 6,000 kelvins (10,340 degrees Fahrenheit).

December 4, 2014

Mark Twain

The only known video recording of Mark Twain.

October 29, 2014

Heteropoda davidbowie

David Bowie has a spider species named after him, the Heteropoda davidbowie.

Not sure I see the resemblance, but...

September 24, 2014

Major to Minor

Chase Holfelder takes happy songs in a major key and converts them to sad songs in a minor key.  He's done several songs on his YouTube channel, but this cover of Cyndi Lauper's  "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" is interesting, beautiful and different.