Welcome to ToTG!

March 9, 2009


From the Word of the Day

incisive \in-SAHY-siv\, adjective:
1. penetrating; cutting; biting; trenchant
2. remarkably clear and direct; sharp; keen; acute
3. adapted for cutting or piercing
4. of or pertaining to the incisors

This blog doesn't fit any of those definitions; it's not on the cutting edge, it's certainly not clear and it's pretty much toothless.

A Fortune for Slobs

No Wonder

Women get soured on me so quickly.

And to think that I thought them puckering up was because they wanted a kiss.

Better grapefruit than prune, I guess.

You Are Grapefruit Juice

You are a trustworthy, serious, and mature person.

And while you are conscientious, you're also very cheerful.

You don't mind responsibilities, and you enjoy doing what has to be done.

You may not have discovered the meaning of life, but you've figured out how to be happy.

Uncle Jay Explains (3/9)

The Slip - Nine Inch Nails

Download the new album "The Slip" by Nine Inch Nails for FREE!

The Reason I'm Fat

Here a while back I wrote about the spam mails I get from Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst and her obnoxious affiliates telling me in the subject line "The REAL Reason You're Fat".

That's not the reason I'm fat; the website This is why you're fat has many, many reasons I'm fat.

"Where Dreams Become Heart Attacks"