misnomer \mis-NO-muhr\ , noun;
1. The misnaming of a person in a legal instrument, as in a complaint or indictment.
2. Any misnaming of a person or thing; also, a wrong or inapplicable name or designation.
I've been seeing plenty of misnomers lately in the political forums I frequent; since I am a conservative, that's the type of discussion group I most often read. Many posts from my fellow conservatives label liberals as baby killing America haters - a silly and stupid characterization - while I often see posts by professed liberals saying that conservatives are environmental hazards and religious nutjobs - again, an idiotic and false stereotype.
The worst I see, however, are the misnomers by both sides towards Ron Paul, namely that he's a racist, an anti-Semite as well as an isolationist. Those accusations, as well as many others leveled at the good doctor, are all patently false. Paul's supporters are almost always labelled as "Paulbots" or "Paultards" because of the heated exchanges between themselves and RP devotees. The detractors take offense at the heat they get, but it's almost always started by the ones doing the name calling.
Personally, I think what really scares the Repubs and the Dems is the vast spectrum of the American public (as well as many in other countries) that love Ron Paul and for what he stands for and his steady consistency over the years on the issues. His broad base of supporters includes young and old, conservative and liberal but the common ground they all have is the belief that the U.S. Constitution should be the supreme law in this great country and that our govt. ignores the Tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights - powers not granted to the federal government nor prohibited to the states by the Constitution are reserved, respectively, to the states or the people.
I don't think Paul has a chance in hell of gaining the nomination, but I still plan to vote for him. I don't care who tells me it's a wasted vote (if you vote it's not a waste, no matter who you vote for) but I'm so tired of voting for "the lesser evil".
Even the lesser evil is still evil.