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March 6, 2014

A Healthy Diet

Anteaters can eat up to 30,000 ants per day.

Anteaters never get sick!

Why is that?

Because they're full of anty-bodies!

March 5, 2014


cockalorum cock·a·lo·rum [kok-uh-lawr-uhm, -lohr-] noun

a self-important little man.

I wasn't familiar with this word, but the internet - and Congress - are full of 'em.

Drive-Thru Headless Prank

Flipping Out

Yesterday was National Pancake Day, but Blogthings didn't post this quiz until later in the day and I didn't see it in time. The best news was that Liberal beats Olney, England, in annual Pancake Day race.

You Are Buttermilk Pancakes

Your prefer traditional, old fashioned foods.

You shy away from anything fake, and you like meals with simple ingredients.

It's not likely someone would find margarine or diet soda in your kitchen.

Instead, someone might find a loaf of homemade bread baking or a soup simmering. 


Actually, you WOULD find diet soda in my house...not in my kitchen, but right next to my computer desk. I don't drink much of it, but it's what I drink, along with coffee and most of the time, water.  You also wouldn't find margarine in my fridge, but I'm not sure the butter that's in there is any good now.  I just don't use a lot of it.

About the title of this post: I used to run around with a guy who was bi-polar and when he'd be coming out of his depressed phase, he'd say he was "goin' to see Aunt Jemima". It was his way of saying he was flipping out...flipping like a pancake.

Daisy Goes First