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May 1, 2014

Happy May Day!

May Day was once a holiday in the U.S., but after being selected as the date for International Workers' Day, it fell out of favor until 2012 when it was chosen as a holiday and for demonstrations by the Occupy movement.

Personally, I prefer how Hawaii celebrates May 1, with Lei Day. I really wish I was in Hawaii right now and getting lei'd.

may day photo mayday_md_wht_zps8ccfa62b.gif

Droopy May Flowers

This is a post from 5/13/08, but the exact same thing happened again, too weird.  I changed out the flower, but this time Photobucket appended the URL with a bunch of characters at the end, so I had to change the code in the script to point to the new URL.   I'd show the example of the non-working animation, but I deleted it.  It looked the same, but the flowers would open once, then stop.  I don't have a clue as to why they would do that, but I'm going to have to find out.  I guess the link code gets corrupted somehow on Photobucket's servers, that's the only explanation I got.

I dunno;  maybe the animation got tired after five? six? years of working.  It only had to work one month out of each year, though, so....

 photo may_md_wht_zps87c7ed16.gif

Not for sure why, but my May flowers aren't blowing in the breeze.

The images for the day/date script are in my Photobucket album, and the .gif is animated on the album view, but not in the individual view.

There's got to be some logical explanation, probably a very simple one that my simple mind cannot comprehend, but for the life of me, I cannot figure it out.

Funny thing: this same animation has given me some problems before. When I first found the script five + years ago, I noticed that the "May" ani wasn't moving. The month animations are from Animation Factory and I already had the disks, so it was n/p to replace/rename the animation to work in the script.

April 30, 2014

A Lot of Blood

An adult man's body contains - on average - 1.25 to 1.5 gallons of blood. People who live at high altitudes, where the air contains less oxygen, may have up to 1.9 liters more blood than people who live in low altitude regions. The extra blood delivers additional oxygen to body cells.

Blood doesn't have it's own keyword/label in this blog, but maybe it should.

April 29, 2014

Hair - The Cowsills

Today in history: The Broadway musical Hair debuted in 1968; the movie was released in 1979. Several of the soundtrack songs hit the charts; this was the title tune:

April 28, 2014

The First E-mail

The first e-mail was sent in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson to himself and *most likely consisted of: "QWERTYUIOP".

*Tomlinson says he's forgotten the exact text, but that was the most likely.

 photo email_plug_lg_wht.gif

April 27, 2014

I'm Well-Rounded

In more ways than one.

You Are Smart

When it comes to book smarts versus street smarts, you've got them both, baby! You are well-rounded.

You can geek out and study up like no one's business. But you also know when it's time to just dive in and start learning.

It's likely that you started out as either a book smart or street smart type and learned the other to help get by in the world.

You wear many hats, and you take a flexible approach to life. Very few people know what you are capable of.