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June 11, 2014


prevaricator [pri-var-i-key-ter] noun

1. a person who speaks falsely; liar.
2. a person who speaks so as to avoid the precise truth; quibbler; equivocator.

This definition should be illustrated with a group photo of Congress and this administration.

Is It Down Right Now?

After a few attempts at accessing my Feedly reader, I decided I'd check the site to see if the problem was mine or was with the website.  Using the Is It Down Right Now? site, I found out there was a problem, but it wasn't on my end.  Searching the news, I saw Feedly Hit With Denial Of Service Attacks with some person or persons attempting to blackmail Feedly.  I hope the perps are caught and prosecuted.  Personally, my own form of punishment would involve a hatchet and their hands, but that's just because I'm a savage, callous knuckle-dragger who is sick and tired of spammers and scam artists taking over the 'net. 

That said, Is It Down Right Now? is a great resource.  From the site:

"Is It Down Right Now" monitors the status of your favorite web sites and checks whether they are down or not. Check a website status easily by using the below test tool. Just enter the url and a fresh site status test will be perfomed on the domain name in real time using our online website checker tool. For detailed information, check response time graph and user comments.

Is It Down Right Now?


Jellyfish are 95% water.

June 9, 2014

Because I'm a Space Cadet

You Are Out of this World Thoughtful

Of all the types, you are the most likely to know the names of the different stars and constellations.

You love to think about everything, and you are well-learned. You have a head for facts and interconnections.

The planet you are most connected to is Saturn. Like Saturn, you are a steadying and prudent force in this world.

You have a deep wisdom that serves you well. Others also benefit from it, if they allow themselves to.

When you look out into space, you think about how the universe works. You are excited and inspired by astronomy.

You also love to think about the history of astronomy and what it meant to cultures over time. The sky always gets you thinking!