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August 31, 2014


bletting [blet-ing] noun

1. the ripening of fruit, especially of fruit stored until the desired degree of softness is attained.

Banana bletting is bad, unless you're letting them get brown for banana bread.

(That was nearly an alliteration, huh?)

I never have any luck trying to get fruit to soften;  by the time something like an unripe peach gets soft enough to eat, it's grown gray fuzz.  

I always buy bananas as green as I can find because I dislike them soft and mushy and they're too sweet when they're ripe.  I was sorting through bananas a while back and an older woman was on the other side of the display, sorting through bananas too.  "Hard to find green ones." I said to her.

"I suppose so," she replied, "But at my age I don't buy them TOO green."

10 Common Myths about Fast Food

August 30, 2014

Starship Troopers Parody

Fake toy advert about one of my most eagerly anticipated and nearly most disappointing movies I've ever seen.  It was "good" but it could have been great.

August 29, 2014

August 28, 2014

Eye vs Brain

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

And I often find that when going through the buffet line, my eyes are bigger than my stomach.

August 26, 2014

No Posts Today

Not that many people read this pathetic excuse for a blog, but I won't be posting anything today or maybe tomorrow, either.  I'm more than a little sad because the Beej is gone.  He'd been poorly for quite some time, but up until the last few weeks, he still had a good appetite and got around fairly well, considering he was 16+ yrs. old.  It was about a week or so ago he started going downhill really fast and was nothing but skin and bones.

I don't know where he is, but I haven't seen him for a few days and I am positive he crawled off somewhere and died. I feel really guilty that I didn't do more for him as he got old and ill.