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August 26, 2014

No Posts Today

Not that many people read this pathetic excuse for a blog, but I won't be posting anything today or maybe tomorrow, either.  I'm more than a little sad because the Beej is gone.  He'd been poorly for quite some time, but up until the last few weeks, he still had a good appetite and got around fairly well, considering he was 16+ yrs. old.  It was about a week or so ago he started going downhill really fast and was nothing but skin and bones.

I don't know where he is, but I haven't seen him for a few days and I am positive he crawled off somewhere and died. I feel really guilty that I didn't do more for him as he got old and ill.


Joanne Casey said...

Sorry to hear your little companion has disappeared :(

Mike said...

Thanks, Joanne. I looked for him but I'm afraid he crawled under the vacant house next door (he was born there)and died. I still feel really guilty, but I knew if I took him to the vet - which would have traumatized him greatly - the vet would have told me what needed to be done. So, with me being so cowardly as to not face up to the facts, I let ol' Beej suffer needlessly...

...and I'll suffer for letting him suffer.

Joanne Casey said...

Hopefully the little fella is at peace now

The Local Malcontent said...

i know what you feel inside yerself, Mike, that a little part of you will never come back, either.
i will grieve with you for your loss,

but we will all be reunited some day with like- ,sentient souls like 'our' cats possess, in some heaven somewhere.

Mike said...

Thanks, Mal. He wasn't even close to the best cat that ever owned me, but he'd been a lot of company to me. I really don't know how old he was, but he was at least 16 yrs. old and that's a pretty long time for a mostly outside cat.

I love animals and would like to have a dog, but they're not nearly as independent as are cats, which are in many ways, more suitable for living in town. I doubt I'll get another cat, not unless my circumstances change. I have a bunch of cats I feed - they're nearly feral, but they've claimed me whether I like it or not.