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November 17, 2014

Took Sunday Off

Not that anyone noticed, but I took yesterday off (from posting in here).  For the first time in years, I watched football all day long and not only was that out-of-the-ordinary for me, Dallas wasn't even playing since they're in their bye week.

I really enjoyed watching the other conference opponents - New York, Washington and Philadelphia - not only get beat, but beaten fairly badly.  Sure, the Giants didn't lose by much, but they played so poorly it was fun to watch the meltdown. 

I'll have to admit, however, that I'm about "footballed out" after watching the biggest part of four games yesterday (including the late game last night).  I doubt I'll watch Monday Night Football, but will instead catch up on some of my favorite new-found TV series.

November 15, 2014

Vegas Wedding Chapel Cam

Some guys spend their Saturdays mowing the lawn or working on their cars while others sit on the couch and watch college football all day.

Me?  I sometimes tune into the Vegas Wedding Chapel Cam.

The Elvis impersonator/minister is singing "Love Me Tender" right now.

Bacon TV

4 hour loop of bacon frying.

November 13, 2014

We Are Doomed

Texas Tech's new student political organization PoliTech goes to campus to see how much our students know about their nation's politics! You might be surprised.

No, sorry to say, I'm not surprised, but I am more than a little disappointed that young people in Texas are so ignorant of history and current events.

I'm hopin' that most of them are paying out-of-state tuition.

FYI, I knew every answer, even the pop culture ones, but then again, I'm smarter than any of those being interviewed.  That crap can't help but sink in from all the reading I do, but at least I paid attention in history class and don't get my news from Jon Stewart or have my political opinions shaped by South Park or Saturday Night Live.


clowder \ KLOU-der \ noun

1. a group or cluster of cats.

I have one of these, but I don't call 'em that. Sometimes when I go outside and they're underfoot, the name I call them can't be repeated on this blog.

That isn't my photo or clowder of cats -it's just a photo I found on the 'net (and should have asked permission to use) and my clowder isn't as big nor does it have so many ginger cats, but it's close enough to illustrate what I face when I step out on my porch.