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May 7, 2016

Bing Weekly News Quiz

I check out the Bing home page nearly every day, not only for their fantastic daily changing themes, but also because I accumulate points towards Amazon gift cards.  It's not all that much, but I can usually get enough each month for a $5 Amazon credit.  (I just redeemed several months worth and paid for nearly half of a 5TB external hard drive)

I also like to take the Weekly News Quiz and after finishing up and getting my score, enjoy seeing - depending upon how well I did - what "kind of week" I'm having.  If my score is good, it tells me I'm having a week as good as - for example - some latest sports champion or record breaker and if it's NOT a good score, it compares my week to some poor slob who just had his world crash down around him.

I aced this week's quiz and this was my result:

To be honest, I wish I had missed a few just so I wouldn't be compared to THAT S.O.B. 

I wouldn't want to be like him, even if I had five times his money.   I don't have much hair either, but at least I buzz mine off w/ clippers and don't try some ridiculous comb over.  I'm also proud to say I don't whine if things don't go my way or tell lies about those who oppose me.

"The Trump train rolls on."  Sadly, yes.  I'd cheer if a train ran OVER Trump,  though. 

May 6, 2016


turpitude noun [tur-pi-tood]

vile, shameful, or base character; depravity

I knew of this word and have seen/heard it used most often in the phrase "moral turpitude". I haven't thought of it or heard it used in a long time, but from now on I'll think of it when I see a certain someone:

Looks like I'll think of it a LOT over the next four/five years. Gag.

Heaven help us all.

May 5, 2016

Can You Name the Movie?

Using only a one-word clue?

I took the quiz and didn't do all that well, surprising me because I consider myself pretty good at movie trivia.  I think my biggest problem was being aware of the ticking clock and thinking that the more time I took, the worse my score.  That's not the case, so take all the time you need.

That said, there was no way I was going to get them all correct, but there were a few movies I couldn't remember that I should have.  Also, I misspelled a couple and it won't accept the answer.

May 4, 2016

Block the Kitty

block the kitty screenshot

Easy to play: Click on the circles to darken and block the kitty's path to the outside.

Me? I'd let him go; otherwise you might wind up steppin' in sumpthin'.

Seriously, a fun game.

Play it!

I'm sure there's a trick to the game, but I'm not so good with spatial relationship-type problems. I have beaten it twice in about ten games.

May 2, 2016

If It's a Long Way

On a trip in the back seat of a mini-van, then just sing some AC/DC a cappella.

May 1, 2016

What Kind of Cheesecake Are You?

You Are a Key Lime Cheesecake

Unconventional and quirky, you live to shock people.

You see the world in very weird ways. 

Sometimes you even surprise yourself!