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December 26, 2008

Splenda® With Fiber

I've been using this for a while.

Since I was using the regular product anyway, deadly chlorine atoms and all, I was pleased to find a simple way of adding low-dosage fiber (don't wanna get hooked!) to my diet. Just by drinking a couple of cups of tea, I can get a tenth of my daily need of roughage.

(Metamucil® & vodka with a twist didn't work out so well)

Whenever I sprinkle some on my oatmeal, I always think:

"Would 'redundant' be the word to use, or is 'overkill' a better choice?"

Scandinavian Invasion

Sounds like a Nordic version of an "Up With People" cover group, or some drink made with schnapps, doesn't it?

No, it's the dozen or so hits on this blog today from Norway and Sweden. They're following a link I left at the Cast Away msg. boards in the IMDB site.

The movie must've been on the tube over there. Searches for the Arrington Ranch House used in the film have this blog on the first page, depending upon the terms used, but the intersection post is nearly always at the top or in the top three.


From the Word of the Day:

paltry \PAWL-tree\, adjective:
1. almost worthless; trifling
2. of no worth; contemptible, despicable

1. describes this blog
2. describes politicians

There's an older post Zach is Back where I mentioned paltry.

Misty Blue - Dorothy Moore

December 24, 2008