Welcome to ToTG!

June 10, 2009

Air Vortex Cannon

Cats are Fine

Face in Hole

"Who do you want to be today?"

Another cool website for those of us who are Photoshop-challenged. Just like the photography places one can find at tourist traps, FaceinHole.com lets you put your face (or someone elses) onto someone else's body.

Pick a template from the many offered, upload the photo of your choice and using the controls, manipulate it to best fit.

I didn't want to post MY photo, so I chose our President's mug. This is one I made for a political forum I sometimes post in; it's in response to a thread that was condemning Obama for cutting NASA funding. (although I don't think that's happened yet and funding is controlled by Congress)

Here's another one that will be sure to gain me some favor the next time they accuse Obama of being a coward in regards to (pick one) Iraq, Iran, China, North Korea, Russia, etc.

Here's my favorite (so far): Ringo Hussein Starr

There's even a game you can create with an uploaded pic. (my conservative political forum should REALLY like that one) They also offer the code for embedding in websites. (although it's a bit too wide for my blog post column)


June 9, 2009


paragon \PAIR-uh-gon; -guhn\ , noun:
A model of excellence or perfection; as, "a paragon of beauty"; a paragon of eloquence.

I'm no paragon.

I'm as ugly as a pair of goons.

ToTG Trivia Tournament

Test your big brain with the new

ToTG Trivia Tournament

This was always a hit in MSN Groups, so I thought it would be a good addition to this worthless excuse for a blog.

I will try to change the categories every week, unless the easy general trivia is what most everyone wants. Something new since I last played is the option to give the same questions to each player or a completely new set each time. For now it's the same questions, but that can be changed if anyone bitches desires starts cheating.

There's an updating scoreboard in the right-hand navbar with a link to the quiz.

Sign up, it's easy to do! When you've done that, you're ready to play.

After hitting the "start quiz" button, the quiz will start; it's a timed quiz, the faster you go the more points you score. (that's where the scrollwheel comes in handy!) There are ten questions. Wrong answers take points away; unchecked questions count as a wrong answer.

Good Luck! You'll need it playing me!

ToTG Trivia Tournament

A "bump" to try to get others in the game!

Rag Doll - Aerosmith

Free Country Music

Free country tunes from People. Get new tracks from Jason Aldean, Luke Bryan and more stars – free!

Good bitrate for each song, too. Only one is 128kbs; the rest are 160/193kbs.

country music Free Country Music