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June 10, 2009

Face in Hole

"Who do you want to be today?"

Another cool website for those of us who are Photoshop-challenged. Just like the photography places one can find at tourist traps, FaceinHole.com lets you put your face (or someone elses) onto someone else's body.

Pick a template from the many offered, upload the photo of your choice and using the controls, manipulate it to best fit.

I didn't want to post MY photo, so I chose our President's mug. This is one I made for a political forum I sometimes post in; it's in response to a thread that was condemning Obama for cutting NASA funding. (although I don't think that's happened yet and funding is controlled by Congress)

Here's another one that will be sure to gain me some favor the next time they accuse Obama of being a coward in regards to (pick one) Iraq, Iran, China, North Korea, Russia, etc.

Here's my favorite (so far): Ringo Hussein Starr

There's even a game you can create with an uploaded pic. (my conservative political forum should REALLY like that one) They also offer the code for embedding in websites. (although it's a bit too wide for my blog post column)


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