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February 1, 2010

New Trivia Contest!

Play Trivia!

The previous monthly tournament for ToTG Trivia Tournament has ended and a new one starts today!

Try your luck!

The top 5 scores from last month have been recorded in the Hall of Fame

Narcoleptic Squirrel

Happy Palindrome Day

1st of February = 01022010

via Bits & Pieces


"Life is pretty normal today." says MyLifeIsAverage, a collection of people's thoughts about their life, ending with the abbrev. MLIA. Some of the contributions strike me as anything BUT average, however.

Yesterday, at my friend's 18th birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, I realized that it's a casino for little kids. MLIA.

OK, so they might not be ROFL funny, but some will make you smile.

My favorite so far:

A few days ago, I taught the little girl I babysit how to do the Time Warp from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Today, I found out that she got her entire playground to do it at school yesterday. I'm so proud of her. MLIA.


EDIT: Thought I'd posted this already and was just going to link to it, but what the heck, I'll go ahead and include the video in this post.

Time Warp from Rocky Horror Picture Show

January 31, 2010

Bad Blood - Neil Sedaka


penchant \PEN-chunt\ , noun;
1. Inclination; decided taste; a strong liking.

Our govt. certainly has a penchant for lying and stealing.

Private Slovik

Earlier I noticed the "Today in History" feed in the right-hand column mentioned Private Slovik

From TheFreeDictionary.com:

Eddie Slovik

Edward Donald Slovik (February 18, 1920 – January 31, 1945) was a private in the United States Army during World War II and the only American soldier to be executed for desertion since the American Civil War.

Although over twenty-one thousand soldiers were given varying sentences for desertion during World War II—including forty-nine death sentences—only Slovik's death sentence was carried out.

I've been interested in this case since I first saw The Execution of Private Slovik ,an excellent made-for-TV movie from 1974 starring Martin Sheen as Slovik. There's a portion of that movie that's always stayed with me, when Slovik realizes he really is going to be executed. It's a heart-breaking scene as the brilliant actor Sheen, in a panic, repeats the priest's prayers. The execution scene following is anti-climatic because of it. (as well as on another level, but I wouldn't want to spoil that bit)

Sorry, no vids that I could find on short notice. I did see a couple of places that purported to have the entire movie, but the first one I checked out wanted me to d/l their player. No thanks.

Still, I would highly recommend watching the movie; it's on about once a year and I would wager any large video rental place would have it. I'd have to say it would probably be in my Top 100 movies of all time.