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January 14, 2014

Peppermint Patties

From Joy of Baking, one of my favorite recipe sites and one to which I've subscribed to the longest in my reader.

Peppermint Patties are also one of my favorite candies;  they're not exactly health food, but they're better for me than most other sweets.

January 12, 2014


hurdy-gurdy [hur-dee-gur-dee, -gur-] noun, plural hur·dy-gur·dies.

1. a barrel organ or similar musical instrument played by turning a crank.

2. a lute- or guitar-shaped stringed musical instrument sounded by the revolution against the strings of a rosined wheel turned by a crank.

A LONG time ago I was at a junior high dance, sitting in the corner, watching my recently ex-girlfriend dance with all the other guys. Between songs, she came over to me and said I should cheer up, that we would always be friends, that she loved me but wasn't IN love with me and that I should ask her best friend to dance. (her best friend hated me, and not only had an ugly personality, she was ugly on the outside, too).

I told her that I would, but had forgotten my hurdy-gurdy machine.

Keep Your Swatters Handy

Just two flies can produce 191,010,000,000,000,000,000 offspring in 4 months.
fly photo fly_zps456789b1.gif

January 11, 2014


mot [moh] noun

1. a pithy or witty remark; bon mot.
2. Archaic. a note on a horn, bugle, etc.

This blog needs more mots.

At least as far as the first definition goes.

I'd Say This is True

Your Attitudes Toward Women Are Mixed

You aren't exactly modern in your beliefs, but you aren't traditional either.

You're generally pretty progressive when it comes to gender roles, but you wish that some traditions were preserved as well.

It's likely that you value personal choice and believe that there are many paths for happiness.

You think that being a stay at home mom and a hard charging business women are mutually admirable. 


Love Hurts!