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April 1, 2011

This Gmail News Will Move You

Introducing Gmail Motion - Official Gmail Blog

Gmail comes out with yet another great feature! Gmail Motion allows you to control Gmail — composing and replying to messages — using your body.

Actually, they've done yet another great April Fools spoof and I'm linking to it to pad my blog counter stats.

That's a little joke I like to play - convincing myself that I could get that much traffic on a daily basis and not just one day a year. Still, it would be nice to be able to use your body to read your emails....instead of getting spam that tells you how to enlarge a certain body part.

Here's a screenshot of this last year's counter stats. Note the huge spike (at the left of the graphic) that was last year's traffic after I linked to the Gmail blog.

It's probably a good thing I don't get that sort of traffic every day; if I did, then I'd put up some revenue generating ads...and that would drive away any regular visits I have. Even me.

March 28, 2011

CAGW Commercial

The same one which is playing on TV now. Very scary, but to be honest, I saw this coming years ago. We can either limit our purchases of Chinese products, put a tariff on those coming into this country and causing our own industries to fade away and/or punish them for their theft of intellectual property.

Or, learn to speak Chinese.

We are giving them the money of which to buy the rope that will hang us.

Alton Brown's Nose

Celebrity chef Alton Brown meets fans at the 2nd annual gumbo cook-off on Dauphin Island

Naw, that's not really his nose, but is a screenshot of a video from a link I followed on "Alton Brown for President" on Facebook. I just thought it really funny...and bet he would, too. Here's the video link:

March 14, 2011

The Bird is the Word

You Are a Crow

You are highly intelligent and have a lot of mental strength.

You value self-reliance, and you work hard every day to improve your life.

You believe that life is magical, and you are always looking for new and exciting opportunities.

You follow your own path, and the turns you take are often unexpected and inspired.

Can't have this quiz or the title w/out this video!

Surfin' Bird - The Trashmen


pusillanimous\ pyoo-suh-LAN-uh-muhs \, adjective;

1. lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted; timid.
2. proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit.

Already covered this word.

March 12, 2011


prolix\ pro-LIKS; PRO-liks \ adjective;
1. Extending to a great length; unnecessarily long; wordy.
2. Tending to speak or write at excessive length.

Yet another word to describe me and my massive missives.

March 7, 2011

A Little Concerned

Opened up my GMail acct. early this morning and found the spam folder more full than usual. I didn't save any of the msgs. but a large number were both to and from the acct. along with "bounced" emails with the CC containing every address in my addy book and even more that I have no idea where they came from (such as old ones I never use, some created for MSN Groups, such as 4R Mgrs and Smiliemail)

Checking the details of account activity, I saw that someone in Spain had accessed my account. I immediately changed the password and had it sign out of all other accounts. Here's the IP number:

Checking on the IP# at an online IP Lookup site, it gave the originating domain, but clicking on the link gave me a "page not found".

I hope none of my friends w/ valid email accounts will be affected. I have no idea how my account was compromised - I keep my Firefox browser up-to-date, as well as the Java, Flash and Shockwave apps updated.

Again, if you get spam from "me" or any other accounts that were in my address book, I'm really sorry. I'm always extremely careful about my online security.

March 5, 2011


confute \ con·fute\ [kuhn-fyoot] –verb (used with object), -fut·ed, -fut·ing.
1. to prove to be false, invalid, or defective; disprove: to confute an argument.
2. to prove (a person) to be wrong by argument or proof: to confute one's opponent.
3. Obsolete . to bring to naught; confound.

When I first read this word and definition, I thought it was very similar to "refute" and after looking it up, found I was right.

Can't confute OR refute me on that.

March 3, 2011

Only Boobs

Would fall for this type of spam.

From my GMail junk mail folder:


Howdy How are you currently doing? I like your profile.

Are you interested to see my best private images?

E-mail me at uiorobidegl@hotmail.com and i'll answer back with my private photographs.


The originating email address was:


The reason I include it is I hope the spambots pick up on it, as well as the Hotmail addy and the sender gets a multitude of Viagra, free restaurant meal coupons w/ completion of survey (and credit card info) and offers to enlarge a certain body part just as I do.

With the "Gday! subject line and the "Howdy" salutation, I could deduce that the sender might be a Texas porn star now living in Australia.  More likely it's probably some 50 yr. old ugly, hairy dude in Moscow with ties to the Russian Mafia.

Still, I was tempted to reply back if only to see the "private images";  the public ones are pretty hot.  No, she doesn't have square nipples - I had to censor it to publish it in this G-rated blog.

Maybe it's harsh of me to say only boobs would fall for this sort of scam; I probably should instead say only idiots who love boobs would be taken in.

Me? I like boobs, but I'm no idiot. A little thick at times, but not an idiot.


Just got another mail from Angel w/ same photos but different message and email addy. Here it is with the hopes "she" will be bombarded w/ spam, too.


Got yet another one - same photos and message but different reply to addy


February 24, 2011

Chapped Lips

I visited one of my favorite websites earlier today, Start Sampling. I always enjoy perusing the recipes and save the best ones. There are also helpful hints every day and one caught my eye: Chapped Lips.

Now, that's an affliction I seldom suffer from, but it reminded me of being a teenager and having chapped lips. (maybe from kissing my girlfriend a little too vigorously and for an extended period of time the night before). I was applying some cherry flavored ChapstickTM and my dad noticed.

"Whattya doin'?" he growled. "Puttin' on yer lipstick?"

With a typical teenage look of disdain at him, I told him I had chapped lips and they hurt.

"No sense in wasting good money on that." he told me. "Sumpthin' else works much better." "What's that?" I asked him.

"Chicken 'manure'." he said. (to be honest, he didn't say "manure".)

"Ewwww." I said in reply, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Will keep ya from lickin' your lips." he said with a deadpan, straight face.

No Thanks

You Should Get a Tattoo on Your Arm

You are a spiritual and together person. You are wise to the ways of the world.

Personal expression is very important to you. You think we should all celebrate our individuality.

You don't mind showing off that you're different, even if others have trouble accepting you.

You would be proud of each and every tattoo on your body. If someone doesn't like your tattoos, then they don't like you.

February 20, 2011


lucubration / loo-kyoo-brey-shuhn/
1. laborious work, study, thought, etc., especially at night.
2. the result of such activity, as a learned speech or dissertation.
3. often, lucubrations. any literary effort, especially of a pretentious or solemn nature.

I often stay up late, trying to work, study and think, but it's seldom laborious. None of the results are learned or solemn, but sometimes they're pretentious.

Kids Ask the Funniest Questions

I've got a Facebook friend - Kevin - who is the son of an old classmate; I always enjoy his posts, especially the ones about his nephews and nieces and his interaction with them.

I was listening to a classic rock station while recently checking my FB friend's posts and laughed out loud at another one of Kevin's tales about one of his nephews when the old late 70's tune came on: "Do You Wanna Make Love" by Peter McCann. (song w/ lyrics)

Thinking about this song and my own nephews when they were the age of Kevin's reminded me of something I had forgotten until the song stirred my memory. I can't remember where we were, or what we were doing, but my youngest nephew Brad - who has nearly grown children of his own now - tugged on my shirt sleeve and said he wanted to ask me a question. "Sure!" I told him, and knelt down to get on his level. It was clearly important to him that he get my opinion, so I gave him my full attention. "Uncle Mike," he started, his sweet little face looked at me with earnest "Would you wanna make love or wouldja just rather fool around?"

I was taken aback, at first thinking he was making a joke, but he was far too young to even know what that meant. It then dawned on me that he had heard the song on the radio, maybe even overheard his momma singing along. I replied the best way I knew how:

"Dunno, Brad. Guess that would depend on who I was with."

That satisfied him,thank goodness.

Here's a scan of a photo I took of him at around the same time.

February 18, 2011

I Wanna Kill My Wife Tonight - Mojo Nixon

So politically incorrect but totally rockin'!!!

February 14, 2011

Of Course It Is

Hopeless, incurable, eternally

Your Valentine's Day Personality is Romantic

You love Valentine's Day. You see it as a magical time when anything is possible.

You like to pull out all the stops stops. You want this day to be over the top romantic.

On Valentine's Day, you're all about splurging and getting spoiled. You have very high expectations.

Sure it may be a bit cheesy, but who cares? You think a holiday all about love is a dream.

A Valentine Poem

I'm sending you this Valentine

Because you're such a lovely lass
And when I turn it upside down

It reminds me of your ass.

I Remember One That Said

"Bite me".

Your Candy Heart Says "Hug Me"

A total sweetheart, you always have a lot of love to give out.

Your heart is open to where ever love takes you!

Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a surprise romantic evening that you've planned out

Your flirting style: lots of listening and talking

What turns you off: fighting and conflict

Why you're hot: you're fearless about falling in love


buss \buss\, noun, verb;
1. A kiss; a playful kiss; a smack.
transitive verb:
1. To kiss; especially to kiss with a smack.

Appropriate word for Valentine's Day.

Well, for anyone who has someone to kiss, that is. I think I've kissed goodbye my chances of getting a buss today. I'd probably get a smack if I tried to buss someone.

February 8, 2011

Some Pretty Slick Spam

I guess I got on the KY mailing list.

(click to enlarge screenshot)

No need for any of this for me on Valentine's Day. (or any other day, come to think of it)

Wow, Man

I figured I would be all three.

You Are Drugs

Whether you actually do drugs or not doesn't matter... you're one trippy hippie!

You're always seeing things from an alternative point of view. The colors are little brighter and bolder for you.

You don't live your life with any rules. You embrace freedom and challenge authority.

You want to expand your mind and your horizons. You don't mind experimenting a little to find your bliss.

February 4, 2011


effluvium\ ih-FLOO-vee-uhm \,noun;
1.A slight or invisible exhalation or vapor, esp. one that is disagreeable

So, when the Beej is snuggled up to me, it's "feline effluvium"?

I always called it a cat fart.

"A rose by any other name...."  Well, maybe not a rose.

January 23, 2011


lollop\ LOL-uhp \ , verb;

1. To move forward with a bounding, drooping motion.
2. To hang loosely; droop; dangle.

Or, sort of like my life with #1. I'm really dreading when #2 kicks in.

January 18, 2011

56% of My Brain Has Leaked Out

Sorry for the lack of original posts - or maybe that's a good thing? Haven't been out to take photos, and nothing's made me want to rant or rave.

Well, nothing that I can post about, anyway. This blog DOES have a "G" rating.

You Are 44% Open Minded

You aren't exactly open minded, but you have been known to occasionally change your mind.

You're tolerant enough to get along with others who are very different...

But you may be quietly judgmental of things or people you think are wrong.

You take your own values pretty seriously, and it would take a lot to change them.

January 3, 2011

Cheer Up!

Read a "funny" story from an airplane magazine I get.

A pilot and his co-pilot were almost to their destination; the pilot had noticed his co-pilot had been in the dumps through the long flight and hadn't said much of anything even when the pilot had tried to engage him in conversation.

Approaching the airport, the pilot gave the command to lower their landing gear and the co-pilot complied without a word. Almost to the ground, the pilot said to the co-pilot:

"Cheer up!"

The co-pilot retracted the landing gear, thinking the pilot had said "Gear up!"