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February 28, 2010

County Health Rankings

See where your county ranks in the Texas section of the U.S. County Health Rankings.

Gray County doesn't fare too well, coming in at 192 out of 221.

I noticed something odd about the Texas map:

(click for larger view; go to the site to click on your particular county)

Down at the very corner of the of the "panhandle" part (but NOT part of the Panhandle) are two counties, Loving and Ward. I thought it funny that they are abbreviated "Lov" and "War".

I've always heard "All's fair in love and war.". I guess that's why they're also next to Winkler County..."WIN" (and if you decided to get married, you'd need a "REV")


sharintexas said...

Denton came in #3. Who was first...do you know?

Mike said...

According to the Texas Summary Report (pdf), Williamson Co. (Georgetown, n. of Austin) is #1.

I had noticed Denton being up there. The pdf explains the methodology used, but I expect all the young people in Denton helps to skew the statistics, plus the better health care available.

On a related "health" note, Joe T. fell off his roof yesterday, broke two ribs, punctured a lung and isn't doing too well according to his daughter. Haven't heard anything since this morning.