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October 25, 2012

The Patron Saint of Bachelors

Did You Know?

Canning was invented in 1809 by Nicolas Appert?
His process was moderately successful and adopted by Europe and the United States. The glass containers that were first used proved bulky, costly, and brittle, but the early methods of making cans weren't much better. Sheets of tin were cut with shears, then bent around a block and the seams heavily soldered. A good tinsmith could make only about 60 cans a day.

The industry grew with the 1847 invention of the stamped can. Civil War soldiers were supplied with canned meats and vegetables using this method. A machine for shaping and soldering the cans automatically was exhibited in 1876 at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia.

Whoever invented the can opener deserves sainthood, too.


Unknown said...

I love the fact that cans now have a ring pull so you dont even need can openers:)

Mike said...

Not all of them over here are. I still have to use a can opener to open up tuna and soup, to name two. I saw where the canned pasta and a few others have gone to that ring pull,but that stuff is so hi-carb I don't buy much of it. I guess sardines, vienna sausages have been ring-pull f/a long time.

Unknown said...

I think the cheaper supermarkets still have the can opener type tins,I dont use much tinned stuff only baked beans really,

Mike said...

I guess that's the type of supermarkets I trade at; I get most of my soups and stuff like that from the dollar type stores, same brands, just a lot cheaper.

The tuna I buy is still in reg. cans, but I don't buy the expensive types. I can't tell the difference. I can't afford the pouch types, way too expensive.

I don't buy baked beans, too much sugar (+ carbs) but I do buy the other now 'n then, it's still opener type lids. I guess I don't buy that much canned stuff...because I don't eat a lot!

Your posts still show up in spam folder. I'm going to go change settings, leave it for a while and see if that will make a diff. then change it back. I really don't like anonymous posts, got too many that pissed me off when I had it that way.