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April 18, 2014


dyad dy·ad [dahy-ad] noun

1. a group of two; couple; pair

2. Biology:
a. a secondary morphological unit, consisting of two monads: a chromosome dyad
b. the double chromosomes resulting from the separation of the four chromatids of a tetrad

3. Chemistry:  an element, atom, or group having a valence of two.

4. Mathematics:  two vectors with no symbol connecting them, usually considered as an operator

5. Sociology:
a. two persons involved in an ongoing relationship or interaction
b. the relationship or interaction itself

I knew this word, even though it's not part of my every day vocabulary. I had to take an Interpersonal Communication class when I went back to school and I sat down at the first class thinking it was going to be a waste of time, but I changed my mind. I learned a dyad is, as the #5 definition says, the basic form of communication, being between two people.

I think the most important thing I learned about was how people play games and how nearly all of them are dishonest in nature. I wound up enjoying the class and learning a lot about communicating with others and even more about myself. The worst part was when we studied those games, this tune was in my head for a week.

Games People Play - Joe South

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