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Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

September 12, 2013

Big Cats Make Bad Pets

From another of my favorite YouTube channels:

10 Reasons Why Big Cats Make Bad Pets

August 21, 2013

Cat Bounce!

Cat Bounce! is another (Earlier: Bring in The Cats) cat-themed time waster (although IMHO, anything to do with cats isn't a time waster!)

As it says, it's cats bouncing.  If they're not bouncing fast or high enough for you, left-click on a cat and drag it upwards and then let go.  Click the flashing "make it rain" link at the top right-hand corner of the screen to unleash a short but furious deluge of cats.  Sorry, no dogs.

Cat Bounce!

August 19, 2013

Bring In The Cats

(Note:  This is the first post in what will be probably too many in a new category:  "Time Wasters")

Bring In The Cats isn't a game, nor is it much of a time waster because you'll likely get tired of it by the time the song cycles through the first time.  There's also not a lot to it other than cat's heads flying around the screen with a flashing, color changing background and a catchy tune that grows annoying...but will probably stay stuck in your head all day  What it is, however is cute.  After all, the Internet needs more cats, right?

June 12, 2013

Moths of the Texas Panhandle

I stumbled across this video after seeing an article about hummingbird moths and wondering if they were found in these parts. Back when I worked on drilling rigs, all sorts of insects and moths would be attracted to the lights of the rig at night, sometimes so thick around the lights on the floor that they blocked out most of the light and it was hard to see and often far-too-easy to have one fly into your mouth.

I remember one guy I worked with insisting they were hummingbirds, but those are fairly rare up in this part of the country.  Another guy I worked with would catch the huge moths, unroll their "nose" with a pencil, then tape it inside someone's locker.  When he opened it up the next morning, it was always funny to see him startled by the moth frantically fluttering at the guy's eye level.

(EDIT to add: funny to see the guy scared by a moth, but I always felt sorry for the moth; it was cruel, even though I doubt the moth had a very long lifespan.)

My landlady's son, the younger brother of a classmate, was a sophomore one summer when the moths were prolific around the rig and had to do the same project his brother and I had to do at the same age;  catch 50 different insects and pin them to a board and label them.  I took the young man a lunch box full of moths and asst. other insects I caught one night and he later told me he had over 70 different types of insects and got an "A" for the project!

I used to have some Four O'Clock plants by my porch and during the summer,moths would gather nectar out of the flowers that opened in the late afternoon and stayed open until sunrise the next morning.  I had an old black cat that absolutely loved those moths;  he grew tired of playing with them and discovered he liked the taste.  He wouldn't eat the entire thing, but I would find just the head and wings all over the place, even inside where he had brought them in through the cat flaps. (along with lizards, garden snakes, birds and all sorts of creatures.)

June 11, 2013

Knit Pick

I really need to learn how to knit. I've got so much cat hair in my house that if I had the internal organs, I could knit me another cat.

Knit One, Purl Two - Glenn Miller

November 13, 2012

A Few Feline Facts

Did you know cats can get any disease a human can and more, including rabies, mental disease and skin conditions? In fact, dandruff is common in cats and it can be especially stressful for cats with dark fur and may lead to depression.

I'm not sure giving one a Head and Shoulders TM shampoo would be a good idea, though.

November 8, 2012

October 16, 2012

Ear Ear!

Did you know?

There are 32 muscles in a cat's ear, compared to a human's 6 muscles each. A cat can rotate its ears independently 180 degrees, and turn in the direction of sound 10 times faster than those of the best watchdog.

September 1, 2012

13 Reasons

To adopt a black cat:

1. You can’t tell if they’re dirty, and their teeth always look white!
2. A black cat is a great accessory to any outfit, and they go with everything.
3. Black is very slimming—holding your cat will make you look extra-slender.
4. Save time on date night—you don’t need to use the lint brush on your black dress.
5. Your cat doesn’t care what color YOUR hair is!
6. Black cats are the most fun to play hide and seek with.
7. They have a “black belt” in cuddling.
8. You’ll never need to go shopping for Halloween decorations.
9. In most cultures, a black cat in your home brings good luck!
10. A black cat will help you celebrate your inner “Goth.”
11. They are always in the best-dressed category.
12. They make you look beyond the surface to find true love and beauty.
13. They are the least likely to be adopted and need your love the most!

August 8, 2012

This Could Be Me

Except I rarely drink and can't sing a lick. When I do sing, my cat runs from the room

For some reason, the original video was taken down. I think I might have linked to a video that someone copied and it was taken down because of copyright issues. I did manage to find this one, hope it works for a little longer than the first one.

August 4, 2012

April 27, 2012


nosh  [nosh]

verb (used without object)
1. to snack or eat between meals.

verb (used with object)
2. to snack on: They noshed peanuts and cookies while watching television.

When I first saw this entry in this blog's Word of the Day feed (in the right-hand column), I had to laugh. It's not a word I would ordinarily use - and it's not one used in the circles I run in - but I do often use it, only no one hears it.

"No one" except the Beej, my old cat-varmint.  He's not the brightest animal I've ever been around and isn't even the smartest cat I've ever owned.  My old B-cat knew several words but he reacted the most to "chicken?" and would go nuts.  I swear, he could smell a pkg. of KFC takeout before I even opened up the car door.  He also knew "bird" and when I'd say it, he'd make that little sound most cats do when they see a bird, along with a quiver of the mouth.

The Beej knows "outside?" and will go to the door if that's where he wants to go and will run into another room if he doesn't want to go out.  He also knows "hungry?" and will go to his food bowl if I say that.  He also knows "nosh" and when I ask "Wouldja like a nosh?", he perks up because he knows he's getting a treat or two from a pkg. of Meow Mix "Ocean Explosion" seafood-flavored treats. 

They're something I've always bought him;  they're only a buck for a pkg. at the dollar store and I've found that it's a good way to get him to eat leftover food in his bowl at which he'd ordinarily turn up his nose.  I just say "Nosh?" and sprinkle a few on the perfectly good cat food - put out only an hour or two before - and he'll finish up the food. (mostly)

The Beej has always been wary of strangers; the first time my British friend Elle came over to see me, he would have nothing to do with her. I gave her a pkg. of the treats and told her to call to him, speaking his name and saying "Nosh?" I watched her coax him to her with the treats, then went to take a shower.  As I left the room, she was petting him and he was content with being fussed over.

About ten minutes later, I was rinsing off when she frantically called through the door "Come here...B's sick!"  I jumped out of the shower, grabbed a towel and went to see what was wrong with my cat.  He had thrown up several times and was at the door, wanting out, still retching.  I went ahead and let him out, then noticed the package of treats laying on the floor.  I picked it up and found it was empty;  she had fed the entire contents to him!

I knew he'd be all right and looking out the door, could see him eating a few blades of grass as cats (and dogs) will often do when their stomach is upset.  I told her she shouldn't feed him more than a few at a time, that they must be very rich. I figured it was probably the same as eating a box of chocolates, a couple of pieces of pie followed by a huge slice of cake washed down by a double milkshake....just too rich for him all at once.

It didn't turn him off the things, though;  he'd still eat the entire pkg. if I fed it to him.

January 26, 2012

So Far, a Lucky Week

This just hit my email inbox:

I forget why I entered the contest; I'm sure the Grand Prize was something I really wanted or I wouldn't have made the effort. A magazine subscription isn't too bad of a consolation prize - I love to get magazines and after reading, they're good to line my trashcan with or to tear pages out of and put under the Beej's water and feed bowls. I used to take my old magazines to the laundromat but they would get stolen within the day.

It's been a fairly lucky week for me; I won this magazine subscription, fifty extra points for correctly answering the movie trivia question at StartSampling and last night I won $12 on the Powerball lottery.

It was also a very lucky week for some young punk in a red car.  I was out earlier and about to turn onto a busy street.  The light was red and there was a car ahead of me.  I started slowing as I normally do, easing to a stop. (saves gas, saves brake wear) There wasn't but a few car lengths between me and the other vehicle when the red car zoomed around me and cut in front.  I had to slam on my brakes to avoid slamming into the car.  I saw him glancing in his rear-view mirror and I gave him the bird.  He didn't look back again.  I was itching for a fight- he had scared me and that just about makes me angrier than anything else.

As we sat there waiting for the light, I got more angry.  He wasn't saving any time, he had to wait anyway.  When the light changed, he sped off, zipping from lane-to-lane w/out signalling. He also ran a yellow light when he got to the next intersection and turned. 

I wasn't in a very good mood, anyway.  I had tried to drop off my vehicle insurance payment last week, but there was a sign on the office door "Be Back Soon". I went back by several times, but there was no one there.  I put the check and invoice on the passenger seat and forgot about it.  When I got in my truck earlier, I noticed it and remembered that it was due tomorrow.  I got to the insurance office and saw the same sign on the door.  I went to the Dollar Store, did a little shopping and dropped back by only to see the business was still closed.  I killed a little more time and went back - the sign was still up, the door still locked.

Fuming, I went home and called the after hours number listed on the door.  Nothing.  I then called the regular number and a woman answered.  I told her I had been trying to bring my payment by and wanted to make sure someone was there to take it.  "Oh, I stepped out for a little while." she told me.  Yeah, a week is a "little while" I thought, but didn't say it.  She then informed me that the boss was gone, had been for a week.  That made sense then - she was enjoying her four hour lunch breaks.   She's lucky I didn't lose my temper with her.  She's even luckier I didn't have to file a claim for rear-ending that red car.

I'm lucky to win the few things I have this week.  To be honest - I'm even more lucky I haven't stroked out.   I seem to be getting more and more angry at things here lately.  I got a little angry earlier at a reply to my license plate post on Facebook.  An old friend and schoolmate wrote "Why would I want a license plate with 'Mike' on it?"  It shouldn't have, but it hit me wrong.  I started to reply "Well, it would be just as well....'smartass' wouldn't fit."  I've been a little snarky on Facebook myself lately, though, and didn't want to be a hypocrite.

To top all that off, the stray cat I've been feeding has been in heat. (I thought she was pregnant, but she is just fat.  I've cut back on her food- all she gets is B's leftovers now) I love cats, but the only thing more disgusting than the smell of cat urine is a female cat in heat.  Thanks to her "condition", there has been a dozen tomcats hanging around.  I've been woken up a dozen times  this week by the caterwauling;  it's either her and a male cat or two males dueling for her affections.  I've discovered one thing about cats;  you can't tell whether they're fightin' or foolin' around by the sounds they're making. 

It would probably help a great deal if I quit frequenting political forums.  If the Republicans nominate Gingrich, then they will have to give up the "party of family values" label they brag about.  If they nominate Santorum, then they'll lose any chance of getting a gay person to vote for them ever again. Both of them are a little...let's say "ethically challenged".  The Republicans definitely need to stop touting that they're for limited govt. and need to quit pretending they're conservative. (and the TEA Party has allowed itself to be hijacked by the neocons) I'm lucky I'm too old for the draft, because we'll need one for the war machine if we take on Iran.

I know I lowered my blood pressure at least fifty points by not reading posts in Dallas Cowboy forums.  The "Tony Homo" posts infuriated me.  Probably Santorum supporters.