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Showing posts with label graphics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label graphics. Show all posts

June 18, 2009

Make a Celebrity Odd

Go to the site and type in the name of a celeb and click the "odd" button:

John Wayne

Al Franken (he looks odd without the special effects)

James Cagney

Joe Biden (He's just odd, period)

Make a Celebrity Odd

June 10, 2009

Face in Hole

"Who do you want to be today?"

Another cool website for those of us who are Photoshop-challenged. Just like the photography places one can find at tourist traps, FaceinHole.com lets you put your face (or someone elses) onto someone else's body.

Pick a template from the many offered, upload the photo of your choice and using the controls, manipulate it to best fit.

I didn't want to post MY photo, so I chose our President's mug. This is one I made for a political forum I sometimes post in; it's in response to a thread that was condemning Obama for cutting NASA funding. (although I don't think that's happened yet and funding is controlled by Congress)

Here's another one that will be sure to gain me some favor the next time they accuse Obama of being a coward in regards to (pick one) Iraq, Iran, China, North Korea, Russia, etc.

Here's my favorite (so far): Ringo Hussein Starr

There's even a game you can create with an uploaded pic. (my conservative political forum should REALLY like that one) They also offer the code for embedding in websites. (although it's a bit too wide for my blog post column)


May 20, 2009


"paradox" is a burroughs style cut-up poetry collage which forms the picture of Abraham Lincoln Assassination at Ford Theater. The piece was made over the course of 3 years.

Read how it was created

April 25, 2009


From the website:

PhotoFunia is an online photo editing tool that gives you a fun filled experience. You upload any photo and just wait to see the magic. Our proprietary technology automatically identifies the face in the photo and let's you add cool photo effects and create funny face photo montages.

PhotoFunia is free and very easy to use. Just select an effect you like from over 100 different effects, upload your photo, and PhotoFunia will handle the rest for you.


April 6, 2009

Morph Thing

Morph images of famous people together at MorphThing.com; register and you can upload your own images to morph.

This thing is addictive and the possibilities are endless. Some of the best combinations had already been done, such as Obama and Hitler:

Quite the contrast: George Bush and Einstein:

I was getting tired of doing political figures, thinking I might do some celebrities, then thought to bridge the two when I saw them next to each other on the "A" page:

Al Gore and Al Pacino

How 'bout Madonna and Mao Zedong

For some reason, I thought Jay Leno and Stalin might be funny.

I was right.

Then on the "O" page, I saw these two together, Osama Bin Laden and Oprah:

It got me to wondering what celebs kids would look like.

If Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise had had a child together:

Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thorton's child:

I think while I was growing up I saw every Elvis movie ever made. After watching Viva Las Vegas, I fell madly in love with Ann Margaret. Here's what their kid would look like:

Wait, I think Elvis DID have a child that looks like that, didn't he? He must've had some dominant genes.

I started to get some silly and surreal ideas:

Marilyn Monroe and Marilyn Manson

I decided I'd best quit when I thought of this one:

Chewbacca and Vivian Leigh


March 23, 2009


No, not a place for birds but a great online image manipulation website consisting of several tools: Phoenix, a basic image editor, Peacock, a tool for building filters and creating effects, Toucan, an application for building palettes, and soon to come is Raven, a vector graphics tool. Like Photoshop, Aviary's files also supports layers.

All you need is a web browser and register with the site.

Aviary image tools


March 18, 2009

Freaky Favicon

Quite a few hits on this blog come from image searches, such as the following:

Sometimes it's easy to see...as above...what the post was, but sometimes the Feedjit widget just shows someone came to this site from the Google image search. The result sometimes does not show what they were looking for and I have to click on the link in the frame from the Google image search to see what graphic they were wanting to see.

I noticed something unusual the other day when I clicked on the link; usually the favicon (the tiny image in front of the URL in the address window) will show the Picassa favicon:

But the following photo had a favicon that was the photo!

This is going to bother me until I figure it out.

I'm thinking of adding a favicon to this blog, BTW, but most images are not very clear when reduced to 16x16.

February 28, 2009


Make fun photos online at FunPhotoBox!

Easy to do; select effect, upload photo, then save to disk or publish to social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, Digg, etc.

Use photos of yourself, a friend or family member for some good-natured fun


You can show some contempt, as I have here:


January 21, 2009

George Bernard Shaw Quote

But Mr. Shaw, I read it on the 'net so it's GOTTA be true!

January 16, 2009

My Painting

Ford the Mustang - Click graphic for larger view

(click graphic for larger view)

Nah, I didn't paint that; it was a photo I took last year of Ford the Mustang, but I used a new program called FotoSketcher on it.

My IrfanView has a similar feature, but without as many changeable parameters. I also liked the pencil sketches the program is capable of creating. It is extremely easy to use and the learning curve is barely one at all.

The results look cool, and I can't wait to try it on a few other favorite photos I've taken.

Download FotoSketcher

December 20, 2008

My Fortune

From my Excite start page:

my daily fortune

Wish they'd tell me something about myself I don't already know.

December 18, 2008

Free Christmas Printables

All sorts of Christmas printables: coloring pages, Santa letters, recipe cards, certificates, letterheads and more.

(click on the link for the coloring pages, then follow the links in the right-hand column for the other offerings)

December 2, 2008

Letters from Santa

At Letters from Santa, there are more than 20 printable letters from Santa Claus ready to instantly download and print. Great gift idea for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and more. PDF version is free; editable Microsoft Word version is just $5.

Here's my fav: (click pic to enlarge)

Letters from Santa

November 24, 2008

Dot to Dot Puzzles

More than 125 free printable connect the dots puzzles and activities that you can download and print. Or download the entire collection for just $9.00.


November 20, 2008

It Doesn't Take Brains

Nope, doesn't take brains to make a cool graphic at Hetemeel.com.

Of course, if you LIKE being Dumb(ledore)....

They've several more graphics that let you add text: Bush, a dictionary page, Uncle Sam and some others. (I made a Magic 8-Ball graphic, but it's not fit to put into this nearly G-rated blog)

And some let you be downright funny silly.

October 30, 2008

3-D Tattoos

Check out the fantasic three dimensional tats at the Damn Cool Pics blog.

If profanity offends you, then I'd advise not reading the comments that follow the post.

If it doesn't, then I'm admitting they're funny as heck. Well, most of 'em. The French ones, anyway.

( online translation site)