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Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

April 3, 2010

Can't Get Married, Can't Get Divorced

Not if you're gay and live in Texas.

Measure's sponsors oppose gay divorce

A state lawmaker and a former legislator are joining in the challenge to a Dallas judge's recent decision that a gay couple can get divorced in Texas.

After the October decision by Judge Tena Callahan, the state attorney general filed an appeal. On Friday, a brief was filed in the Dallas Court of Appeals by the Liberty Institute, on behalf of Rep. Warren Chisum, R-Pampa, and former state senator Todd Staples, R-Palestine.

Chisum and Staples co-sponsored the Marriage Amendment, which limited marriage to a man and woman and was passed by voters in 2005.

At issue in the case is a couple who married in Massachusetts in 2006.

Chisum also doesn't like straight people divorcing; in 2008, Chisum announced that he will introduce a bill to prolong the waiting time in Texas to finalize a divorce.

Chisum served the first eight years of his House tenure as a Democrat, but he switched to GOP allegiance in 1996, when his district became measurably more Republican in orientation after redistricting.

He also helped pass a law -- later struck down by the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals -- limiting the number of "sex toys" that could be in one's possession.

I started to write a lengthy essay on gays and on Chisum, but decided against it. (I blather on too much as it is, and I really don't want to get TOO serious in this blog) I have no use for Chisum (or any other flip-floppers who do it for solely political purposes) and I don't care if gays get married and think the ban on gays in the military is not only a bad idea, but unconstitutional. I also think the govt. has absolutely no right meddling in people's private lives and in particular their bedrooms.

March 13, 2010

Now That Obama Is President

Rob Riggle: Now That Obama Is President:

"Now that he is our president, I think it's time we as a nation just took a deep breath and collectively just said out loud,

'O.J. killed those people.' "

"It feels good."

February 18, 2010


duplicity \doo-PLIS-i-tee, dyoo-\, noun;
1. Deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech; also, an instance of deliberate deceptiveness; double-dealing.
2. The quality or state of being twofold or double.

Almost all politicians are certainly the first definition; they're also the second...one person while campaigning and another after they win the election.

February 13, 2010


cupidity \kyoo-PID-uh-tee\ , noun;
1. Eager or excessive desire, especially for wealth; greed; avarice.

In that case, every day in Congress is Valentine's Day.

February 10, 2010


tarradiddle \tair-uh-DID-uhl\ , noun; also taradiddle

1. A petty falsehood; a fib.
2. Pretentious nonsense.

This would describe Congress and this current administration except that their lies aren't so petty.

January 28, 2010


machination \mack-uh-NAY-shuhn; mash-\ , noun;

1. The act of plotting.
2. A crafty scheme; a cunning design or plot intended to accomplish some usually evil end.

The perfect word for what Congress and this Administration does on a daily basis.

January 27, 2010


panjandrum\pan-JAN-druhm\ , noun;
1. An important personage or pretentious official.

Like our Congress and Administration, I think, except they're the only ones who think they're important...which makes them pretentious. (and a bunch of other things)

January 11, 2010


flagitious\fluh-JISH-uhs\ , adjective;
1. Disgracefully or shamefully criminal; grossly wicked; scandalous; -- said of acts, crimes, etc.
2. Guilty of enormous crimes; corrupt; profligate; -- said of persons.
3. Characterized by enormous crimes or scandalous vices; as, "flagitious times."

The perfect word for these times and our Congress and Administration.

December 6, 2009

Christmas Time

"Christmas is a time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell the government what they want-and their kids pay for it."
- Richard Lamm

September 22, 2009

The Progressive Quiz

A 40 question quiz that will evaluate how progressive or conservative you are. When a statement appears, click on a number or press the corresponding key. You must assess each statement before you can proceed to the next.

The Progressive Quiz

My score didn't surprise me:

I think my score is skewed a bit because I strongly disagree with govt. having much of a role in anything at all and am a firm believer in free trade. It probably goes the other way because I don't want religion mixed in with govt. and then back again to the right because I don't think minorities are discriminated against as much as is commonly thought, and then back again because I think the US has no business in the affairs of other countries. I'm not sure if my score means I'm "under-average" or overly conservative.

The Progressive Quiz

September 6, 2009

Sic 'im, Sgt. Friday

"Just the facts" Joe (Jack Webb) tells Obama where he's going wrong.

(with some help from Officer Gannon/Harry Morgan)

Love the old Dragnet series, have seen every episode at least twice.

August 18, 2009

The Toddler Party

I've found a new political party that intrigues me.

This little girl makes more sense than most politicians.

August 14, 2009

Stamp of Disapproval

From the email archives:

The Postal Services created a stamp with a picture of President Obama on it, but they noticed that the stamp was not sticking to envelopes.

This enraged the President, who demanded a full investigation. After a month of testing, and $1.73 million in congressional spending, a special Presidential commission presented the following findings.

1. The stamp is in perfect order
2. There is nothing wrong with the glue
3. People are spitting on the wrong side

June 27, 2009

Terrorist Party Supplies

Having a terrorist theme party? Go to Amazon to get your supplies.

(Click for larger view)

To be honest, it's pretty silly to label Obama as a terrorist, even though he's attacking our wallets.

Do a search on Amazon for "Terrorist Costumes" and the results are even more silly:

Ron Paul is a terror to the RINOs and neocons in the Republican Party, sure, but Hillary is only a terror to Bill. She probably would've been one to Obama, but he got her out of a position where she could oppose him and put her right under his thumb. I'd bet Bill's probably pretty happy about all those Sec. of State trips,though.

June 26, 2009


Play The Operation Game

Not a "game", but a commentary on the current US healthcare system.

From the site:

Try and fix healthcare.

Any attempt to reform our collapsing healthcare system is up against powerful political forces. Who can save it? The clock is ticking!

The Operation Game

June 13, 2009

ToTG News is Old News

Welcome to the new news. (in the right-hand column)

I've decided to change the news feed from KFDA, the Amarillo CBS affiliate, to KVII, the Amarillo ABC affiliate.

The reason? CBS is the home of David Letterman, the gap-toothed, bitter old grouch who has a late night show on that network. Letterman recently had a Top Ten list lambasting Sarah Palin, the Alaskan governor and recent VP candidate. (article) Jokes at Palin are all fair game, even if he did say she looked like a slutty airline stewardess (you should see HIS wife; unattractive would be kind), but he also made the "joke" that Palin's daughter was knocked up by A-Rod during the seventh inning stretch when Palin and her daughter recently attended a Yankees game.

Now, I'm sure he meant Bristol, the oldest/18 yr. old daughter who had a child out of wedlock (and Dave had a child out of wedlock, too), but the problem was it was Palin's younger daughter Willow who attended the game with her mom.

Willow is 14.

The "joke" wouldn't have been funny even if Bristol had been the one attending the game, and although Letterman issued an obviously insincere apology, the damage has been done.

I quit watching Letterman years and years ago; I used to be a huge fan, getting up earlier than I usually would before my evening tour shift on the rig to watch his morning comedy show and after he moved to nights, hurrying home to watch. Shortly after he switched networks from NBC to ABC, I changed shifts and rarely got to see his show, then managed to catch a few back during the start of this decade and found him to have turned hateful and mean and into a left-wing tool.

What's astounding are the posts I've seen defending Letterman. I'd like to know if jokes about Obama's daughters getting raped would be all right?

Of course they wouldn't.

I've seen thousands of cases of hypocrisy from the right-wing, especially from the "Religious Right" but the MSM never, ever points out the many instances of that same sort of hypocrisy from the left. How can they defend the indefensible? Don Imus was forced to resign because of his remarks; I think CBS should do the same and cancel Letterman. Imus' remarks were bigoted, but Letterman was joking about rape. Which one is worse?

If you have a single functioning brain cell, you'll know which one.

Sure, my action won't affect the network one iota, nor will there be a molecule's worth of difference to the local station, but it's a stand on principle.

I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I recognize a real bastard when I see one.

June 12, 2009

Virus Alert!

From the email archives:

If you get an e-mail titled "nude photos of Sarah Palin," don't open it.

It could contain a virus.

If you get an e-mail titled "nude photos of Nancy Pelosi," don't open it..

It could contain nude photos of Nancy Pelosi.

June 11, 2009

Close, but....

At this moment, I'm sitting here listening to online radio, namely the Michael Smerconish Show. (that's his website; I'm listening to AOL Radio which replaced my Yahoo/ATT Launchcast) I wouldn't ordinarily listen to him; he's a blowhard, it's "all about him" and he fills in the time between commercials with plugs for his book. To top all that off, he says he's a conservative Republican, yet admits to voting for Obama. Sheesh. I can listen to liberals, but I don't much care to listen to hypocrites.

I wasn't paying a lot of attention, but instead was concentrating on trying to win the 122,347th game of Hearts I've played, then Smerconish brought up a topic I thought interesting and the show started taking phone calls. The subject was "What president would you most like to play golf with?" One of the first callers brought up Ronald Reagan and I immediately thought you'd have to give him a pretty extreme handicap being as how he's dead and all that. I understood the premise, though, so I played along with the fantasy picks.

My first choice of a president I'd like to play golf with was Eisenhower because I think it'd be cool to talk to him about WWII while we played and one caller echoed my choice. The other presidents named were Bush I and II and someone called in and said "Nixon" because he knew he could beat him. (And the inference was he'd not only beat him in the match, but he'd beat him with his nine-iron. Good Grief, the guy's dead and the hate still lives on)

Another guy called in and named Obama because "I've heard he's honest with his scorecard." I didn't doubt that, but figured you'd never get to see it and you'd also get stuck with the greens fees and the tab from the clubhouse bar...for the next 20 years.

Then some woman calls in and in a gushing voice said she'd LOVE to play golf with Clinton. "I think it's be SO COOL to play a round with him". Hmm, from the sound of her voice, it sounded like "play around with him"....and that's probably what she meant, from the unbridled admiration that came through the speakers. She went on: "I'd love to sit there and smoke a cigar with him, just talk about STUFF!"

Uh, dear heart, I'm sure Mr. Clinton would want to talk about "stuff", probably "your stuff". I also wouldn't take a cigar from him, not in any shape, form or fashion.
