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February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

To all my faithful readers and random visitors alike.

It's a little too late for me, though.

Roses are #ff0000, violets are #0000ff, all my base are belong to you.

Happy ♥ Day!

Your Song - Elton John

Happy Valentines Day to all!

February 13, 2013

My Beer Personality

I was a little surprised at these results. I'm not a Heineken drinker and in fact, always thought that brand tasted a little "skunky". To be fair, I might never have had good, fresh examples of it.  Another similar test said I was Budweiser, which has always been one of my least-favorite beers.

In all honesty, I'm not much of a drinker, beer or otherwise. When I DO drink, it's not for the taste.

You Are Heineken

You appreciate a good beer, but you're not a snob about it.

You like your beer mild and easy to drink, so you can concentrate on being drunk.

Overall, you're a friendly drunk who's likely to buy a whole round for your friends... many times.

Sometimes you can be a bit boring when you drink. You may be prone to go on about topics no one cares about.

Besides getting the beer wrong, the other results might very well be true, esp. about blathering on when I'm drunk. I sometimes turn into Cliff Clavin when I drink.

No, not much of a beer drinker, but I do like this song!

I Like Beer - Tom T Hall

Today's Spam

It would be my luck to meet a FreeCamsToday girl that had PMS.

My momma once told me that PMS stood for "Putting up with Men's Sh*t".

February 12, 2013

Amazing Trivial Coincidence

Note: links go to YouTube videos of the songs. Four embedded videos in one post is a bit too much.

Did you know "I Think We’re Alone Now", a #1 hit in the U.S. for Tiffany in 1987, was written by Ritchie Cordell and first released by Tommy James & The Shondells in 1967? You did?

Well, I bet you didn't know that the #2 hit on the U.S. charts that year was Billy Idol's "Mony Mony"...which was also written by Ritchie Cordell and first recorded by Tommy James & The Shondells.

February 10, 2013

Scare Tactics

I've seen some strange spam, most of it sexual in nature, but this one is just about the strangest I've ever seen. It came from "Expess Pharmacy" and in the subject line was this:

I don't know what could cause that (outside of getting on the bad side of Lorena Bobbitt), but I sure don't want it happening to me. I don't use mine for much, but I'm still fond of it.   I'm attached to it and I want it to remain attached to me.

February 9, 2013

Egypt Blocks YouTube

I normally don't delve into serious news or into religious issues, but when I read this earlier: Egypt court orders YouTube blocked for a month I had to see what all the fuss was about.  It seems the Egyptians are all butt-hurt over a movie, Innocence of Muslims.  I won't embed it, but here's the trailer (with a disclaimer by YouTube).

The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as being potentially offensive or inappropriate. Viewer discretion is advised.

The full-length movie has also been uploaded, so if you want to see it before it's taken down, you'd best hurry.

Those Muslims...they're always getting their panties in wad over something trivial in the grand scheme of things.   I see Christianity mocked all the time, from frequent segments on Family Guy and American Dad! to "artists" calling a crucifix in urine "art".  You didn't see ME rioting in the streets and you never will.  I doubt I'll ever even dash off an an angry email to the network.  I'm damn sure not blowing myself up and/or killing someone over it.

Oh well, what can you expect from a bunch of savages? I've done a lot of reading on Islam, but everything I really ever needed to know I learned on 9/11.

Someone better not tell them about THESE two videos;  they'd really get all bent out of shape.

King Tut - Steve Martin

Little Egypt - Elvis Presley